TCH | 39 | All Might vs Wolfram - end -

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Apologies this should've been out way sooner

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Apologies this should've been out way sooner. I have no excuse , I just forgot to publish this chapter.

"What is the meaning of this?" Sam sweated profusely. "The villains were should've all been an act."

"Of course it was an act." The main villain made his appearance with a cocky grin. "An act pretending to be a fake villain."

"That guy's" Midoriya wasted no time activating full cowling which caused Ayato to activate his flames. However the villain wasn't looking for a fight at the moment. He used his quirk to manipulate a nearby metal pipe and caused the greenette to get trapped.


"Midoriya!" The albino and Melissa called out to him. They ran towards the other end of the lab, to check up on his condition. It wasn't a smart idea to head into this fight one on one especially when he seemed to be a smarter villain than the those in the league.

"Stay there quietly for a bit." He ordered the worried children in the back. "Sam, where's the device?" He prompted the assistant.

"!" He quickly snatched the case from his partner and brought it down.

"Sam...Don't tell me from the beginning, you were planning on giving the device to the villains all along?" Melissa's dad was devastated.

"You're the one who tricked me." He retorted with hatred. "I served you for so long, but you let your research be frozen so easily, and the honor and renown we were supposed to get all went away. If I didn't get at least some money, then it was a waste of my time!"

"Sounds like greed..." the albino said monotonously from the corner of the lab.

"Here's the reward I promised you." The masked man smiled while holding a gun at point blank range.

"Huh?" The assistant shook before a loud bang was heard across the room. Everyone stood in shock at the near murder in front of them.

"Sam!" Melissa called out, luckily the man was still breathing.

"Why...this isn't what you promised!"

"Promised? I don't remember. This is your reward..." He manically smiled before pulling the trigger again however it didn't hit its intended target. You might've thought the albino was the one to take the next bullet, however it found its way lodged into Melissa's Dad's shoulder.

"Professor, why?"

"Run away!" He grunted in pain.

"Papa!" Melissa ran towards her dad out of instinct. Even though the albino was spending his time melting Midoriya out of his prison, the moment Melissa ran away from his side he knew nothing good would come from it. He kept the save Midoriya mission going with a coal tar clone and quickly ran after the distressed blonde.

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