TCH |7| The Possessed Examinee 

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"WHERE THE HELL AM I?" Ayato shouted as he was floating in some slime like substance. The area around him was completely dark and void of any matter. All the boy was void and whatever light that was shining on him. One second the albino was trying to control some demons with his mother and then the next he woke up to almost drowning in black slime.

"Is anyone out there?" He spoke. "Hello!"

"Hey Kid!" A scratchy voice spoke.

"Who me?" Ayato foolishly asked and was blasted with a wave of spores. Usually it would make any human choke, but he was fine aside from the fact he was now wet with spores sticking onto him.

"Now's not the time for stupid questions"

"Did you have to blast me!?" He defended but was met with silence. "Hello? Oh goodness please don't leave me!" He called out treading his way through the thick slime.

"Just make your way to the big screen! It's hard to miss." The voice grumbled before ultimately leaving the boy and returning to reality.

Battle Center D

'Hopefully the kid hurries up' the amalgamation thinks as it waits outside the Battle center.

"Alright let's start!" Present mic speaks as his voice peaks the speakers around the group.

"Why is it so loud?" The amalgamation complained

"Tell me about it, Kero." The frog like lady agreed before walking away from the albino. It was very surprised to have a another human talking to it without being scared, but that's just the perks of possessing a human vessel.

"What's wrong! There are no count downs in real fights! Run! Run!" He shouted from the top of the large building.

The sound of the rushing horde of students was enough to get the amalgamation moving. It quickly sped past the group of bundled students and was met by a group of two pointer robots.

'How do I use this kids flames?' It wondered as the robots started to take notice of it. It kept on desperately trying, but ultimately gave up and decide to just do what it does best.


The amalgamation quick turned Ayato's body into a horde of smaller coal tars and just shot itself around destroying any robots in its path. On occasion it even felt the need to eat some of them just to assert its dominance. People tend to not take the tars seriously, so it was just letting out some pent up aggression but made sure not to harm any humans.

'How many robots was that? Like 37? Wait no they had a number system! I've been tracking the wrong data this whole time!' The amalgamation drooped in worry. Who knows what Ayato's mom would do to it if her son didn't pass. Even though the coal tars held a visible frowny face, it pushed on to destroy more robots. It even met up again with the frog girl who sent it a cheery smile making it blush green. The lady seemed to be doing well, so the amalgamation quickly left not wanting to get in her way or to accidentally hurt her.




Ayato kept slowly trudging through the black sludge until he spotted a light in the distance. He was slightly hesitant to go for it, but in the end he bolted for it at full speed. Anything was better for him than staying in this dark abyss.

"Hey! This is the large screen right?" The albino called out as stepped in front of it. It was like a big display monitor where he could see what the amalgamation was doing. On one hand he was impressed by the demon's capabilities, but on the other hand he was scared because he knew he was weak. If such a low level demon like the coal tar could possess him, what would that mean for other demons of greater strength.

"Oh you're here! Glad you finally made it." The voice called out to him. "We aren't sure how many points you have but we destroyed like 57 robots and saved 2 students from being crushed by a building. Now would be a great time to take control as the exam is almost over!"

"Okay awesome! But how in the world do I do that?!" Ayato shrieked.

"Calm down! All you need to do is step into the display screen. After that you'll experience slight nausea and then be back inside your normal body." The voice reassured him before quickly vanishing. Not doubting the voice advice Ayato braced for nausea and stepped into the screen. As he returned to the real world, he was hit with a heavy wave of nausea and threw up behind a nearby building.

Teachers POV

"They're all strong students, it'll be hard to pick out children for the top courses" Nezu stated as all the teachers nodded in agreement.

"Wait that's the kid who caused trouble during my lecture!" Present mic stated while enhancing the screen to focus on the kid throwing up behind a building.

"Oh my! I hope he's alright." Midnight exclaimed. "He's been throwing up for a while"

"It would make sense, the kid probably over used his quirk. Spreading it out over a large area in such a short amount of time" Aizawa chimed in. "He basically secured a spot for himself with 131 villain points."

"Hey he also got some rescue points. He can take it easy for the rest of the exams" midnight stated before screaming at the sight before them. While Ayato was just finishing throwing up a zero point robot was released next to his building cause the whole thing to collapse. He was now either knocked out, or horribly injured under that building and it cause all the staff members to worry.

Ayato POV

"They didn't say that the nausea would be that bad" Ayato muttered as he finally got his bearings. As he fully stood up and walked away from his puddle of vomit, a whole ass building fell on top of him. Luckily the kid wasn't knocked out, but a large piece of metal was sticking out of his left arm. He felt an immense amount of pain, but it quickly went away as his body started to flicker. His blue flames weren't as bright as the usually were, but it was enough to disintegrate the piece of metal lodged into his forearm.

"Hey! Are you alright!" He heard a voice calling out. "If you can hear me at least say something, so I know you're alright."

"I'm fine!" He shouted "You should probably leave though, the robot is still patrolling the area. I would hate it if you got stuck here too."

"It's fine! I'm pretty close to you! I think I see your blue flames right?" The voice said as it got closer.

"Yep that's me." He laughed as the albino also tried to move towards their voice. It seemed like Ayato had found them even though they were trying to rescue him.

"Oh thank goodness you're alright!" The purple haired dude said to me. "Let's get you out of here" he said while grabbing my hand.

" think you can carry me?" Ayato questioned. He didn't know if it was a second round of nausea or just the adrenaline wearing off from his injury, but he felt like passing out in that moment.

"Oh um... sure! You must be badly injured. I'm surprised you went on like this!" He said while hooking his arm under Ayato's legs and around his back. He quickly led the two of them out of the building, but Ayato doesn't remember much after that as he blacked out.

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