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It was Ayato's first day attending U.A and the boy was already running late. Kaede has been away for the past week on a mission, so she had no way of waking the poor boy up and Hara was doing her silent week long meditation and couldn't be disturbed. The albino quickly checked his phone to see multiple missed class from Mineta and even a couple from Ein and Amai who were already busy with True Cross stuff.

"I'm royally screwed!" The boy jumped off his bed and quickly got ready. Despite basically throwing on his clothes, he didn't look half bad. The only thing that seemed out of place was the poor boy's hair. "How in the world do I get to the UA without being even more late!" The boy whined as he locked the door behind him. Fortunately for him, an amalgamation quickly formed in front of him.

'We can help with that!' The scratchy voice reappeared. Ayato quickly backed away from the creature remembering the horrible experience he had encountered during the entrance exam.

"No side effects?" He cautiously questioned. He received an enthusiastic head shake from the amalgamation, it was almost dog like but he finally agreed. The mass of coal tars then suddenly formed into a skateboard which Ayato then sped down the street with. This way was supposed to look normal to any bystander, except he was moving with incredible speed. He was definitely causing panic in the streets he was passing, but no one was fast enough to get a good look at him, so it was a win for him.

Even though the boy was late, he made it in time to see his class outside. Honestly he wasn't even sure if it was his class, he only felt confident enough to join because he saw a distressed grape hiding towards the back.

"Minoru!" The two boys rejoiced as quietly as the could trying not to spark any attention. Unfortunately for them, there reunion was cut short as a tall character with glass firmly out their hands on the boys shoulders.

"This is unacceptable! Such distractions are a disgrace on U.A's reputation!" The man whisper shouted. "You in the uniform should go back to your class this instant!" The man asserted with violent hand chops. The boys sweatdropped at his proposal and then quickly walked away from him.

"Let's see... Bakugo, you finished second in the practical exam, right?" Aizawa started once he had everyone's attention.

"Wait! Second!" The blond angrily shouted "who the hell beat me!?" The questioned but was blatantly ignored.

"In junior high, what was your best result for the softball throw?"

"..67 meters" he answered which shocked Minoru and Ayato to the point where they silent died of laughter. They were actually impressed by his score, they were laughing at their own scores thinking about how pathetic it was. Back in junior high, the two of them hated do anything athletic unless it involved running for their lives or pulling off any kind of mischief.

"Try doing it with your quirk" the teacher continued. "You can do whatever you want as long as you stay in the circle. Hurry up. Give it your all." He monotonly encouraged the blond.

"Then, well... I'll add a blast to the pitch." He said while limbering up. "This will throw some panic in whoever got first place. DIE!!!"

"Bitch WHAT THE FUCK!" Ayato quickly perked up from his fit of laughter. He was to shocked to move until Minoru slapped him back into reality. "Did he really just scream die and no one bat an eye?" He suspiciously questioned his grape partner.

"Know your own maximum first." Aizawa began before getting the score from the device in his hand. "That is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero." He said before revealing his score of 705.2.

"750 meters? Seriously?" Another blonde questioned which made Ayato sweat drop. How did this man get 750 when everyone clearly saw the device read 705.

"What's this! It looks like fun!" A pink humanoid exclaimed. All these new people were giving the poor albino a massive headache.

The Cursed Hero || BNHA x Male OC ||  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now