TCH |36| I-Island Adventures!

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Did I take a little break  and write about the plot of the first movie in between season 2 and season 3 of MHA....yes, yes I did. And will I subject you lovely people to read it... yes, I totally will. I hope you all enjoy! ~ Bonniex


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All men are not created equal. This was the reality he learned about society at the young age of four. And that was his first and last setback. It all began in China, Qingqing City. There was news that a baby that gave off light was born. Ever since then, superpowers were discovered in various places, and time passed without the cause being identified. Before we knew it, the supernatural became normal, and dreams became reality. The world has become a superhuman society, and about 80% of the world's population now has some kind of special trait. In this world swirling with chaos, the profession that everyone once dreamed about and admired came into the limelight. That profession is....


"Yo this island is quite nice for being this secluded." Kaminari exclaimed as they explored the area.

"You wanna check out that futuristic looking building!" Ayato's eyes lit up as he pointed ahead.

"Let's go!" Mineta ran ahead of the crowd.

"Minrou, try not to get us kicked out!" The albino said as the group tried to catch up. As they entered the building they saw how space-like it looked. Multiple different orb lights lit up the area and each exhibit was illuminated by a cold blue light. The group eventually split up as they went to go look at different hero items that stood out to them.

The albino quickly got distracted, hooking himself up to an anti-gravity device while Mineta watched with anticipation. Ochako and Momo went their own way, no one really knows where...but the two eventually found Midoriya with a strange blonde lady.

"How does anti-gravity feel?" Mineta asked the suited up individual in front of him.

"The idea seemed fun, but my body doesn't like this. Is this how it feels to be affected by Uraraka's quirk" he said as he started to get extremely dizzy. "Get. Me. Out..." he whined as he didn't want to wait until the simulation was over. Unfortunately the boy had to wait it out, as they didn't want to be responsible for breaking anything and when he was finally free he passed out.


"I'm alive,...barely" he said, pushing back his urge to vomit.

"Wanna go outside?" The grape boy asked before violently dragging the albino to get some fresh air. "Help wanted?" Mineta thought as he read a sign about a part-time job at a cafe.

"Job? Paid Labor? Money?" Ayato looked up, getting out of his funk. "Let's tell Kaminari! It'll be fun"

"Already ahead of you Dude" Kaminari laughed "I saw Mineta dragging you outside, and thought I would follow."

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