Chapter 44 - Heist Plans

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"You mean Himari?" Midori asks.

"Who is Himari?" Aris asks.

"Their club leader, she's a real whiz at hacking. If you think they're good, you should see her." I explain.

"Yeah, even though she's wheelchair-bound because of her health, Himari's not one to be underestimated or pitied." The green twin adds. "She's a genius known for being one of only three students in Millennium's history to receive the Omniscience Award."

"That's right." Kotama confirms with a nod.

"Where is she anyway?" Midori asks.

"Last I heard, she was doing a favor for the Student Council president, which is frankly, pretty shocking." Hare says.

"How is it shocking?" Aris asks.

" 'Cause Himari and Rio don't see eye-to-eye from what I can tell." I say, seeing everyone's eyes sparkle with curiosity. "That favor she did was somethin' she needed my help on. I helped her out not long ago and she went on a tangent about how neither of them like each other. I seem to remember Himari callin' Rio... what was it? 'Dirty ditch water'?" I ask myself with a chuckle.

"Yeah, that sounds about right." Maki says with a sigh.

"Yeah, yeah, all of that's really impressive and interesting and all, but what I wanna know is how you managed to lose this genius' equipment!" Momoi cuts in, annoyed.

"I just wanted to see what Sensei was texting..." Kotama whines...

"Wait, what?" I ask, stupefied and a bit upset.

"Purely out of scientific curiosity, of course." The blonde hacker corrects, quickly.

"Riiiiiiiiight..." Midori drawls out, not believing a word the hacker says.

"...Stay outta my phone, Kotama." I order, causing the girl to pout. "I'm serious."

"Gah! If I don't get that Mirror back soon, the president's gonna yell at me!" Maki whines.

"Anyway, as you can see, our interests have aligned." Hare explains. "We need our president's tool back, and you want to unlock the G.BIBLE."

"Ah. I know where this is going." Momoi says.

"Heh. You're pretty sharp, Momo." Maki says with a grin.

"Before we enter the dungeon, we become a raid party." Aris chimes in with a smile.

"A-Are you guys seriously suggesting...?" Midori asks, worriedly.

"Honestly. All of this effort for a thing that won't help y'all." I say, shaking my head.

"It will help! I'll prove you wrong, Sensei!" Momoi argues.

"What's this about...?" Maki asks.

"The only thing you need to make a good video game, aside from technology and know-how, is passion for the craft, something these four have more than enough of." I explain, motioning to the gamer girls. "I'm tellin' ya right now, the G.BIBLE may be legendary, but it ain't gonna tell you anything else."

"It will!" Momoi says with a pout.

The pink twin and I have a stare-off for a long while. "Fine. Let's go snag that Mirror and I'll prove you wrong." I say.

"Fine!" Momoi says with a 'Hmph', crossing her arms.


Meanwhile, on a rooftop, somewhere in the Millennium district, around the same time as Sensei and the Game Development Club's meeting with Veritas.

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