Plain White Shirt

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Y/n looked at the map Mr. Blue gave them, They standing directly below it. The golden wolflord whimpers, Y/n felt bad for keeping it like restrained, But They need to get the treasure! Shiny gleaming treasure... Y/n starts to dig, It was not long when until They found their Jackpot!

"Hey kid, Mind giving half of it?" Y/n hit the Yamato on some rocks. "Ok..." They opened up the chest, as they did it shined Brighter than the sun! It was beautifully Blinding... When all the glamour disappeared, the actual treasure was plain looking white shirt... Y/n raised it the air...

They sighed and decided to just put it on... It morphed into Albedo's outfit. They looked down. "!"

"Well... How much do you will it sell?" Y/n Banged the Yamato on some rocks again. "alright I'll shut up" 

"Hahah!" Y/n let out happy noises for the find! It morphed again this time into a big blue Shirt with a lobster. It's was too big for y/n but They imagined it to be very cozy to wear.

Y/n kept it and ran off before any Adventurer, brave enough come to this island and making sure to set the big golden wolflord free. Y/n Returned back home with paper and pen on hand ready to write all the outfits that looked good on them.

Y/n laid them on them all on the floor. They walked to grab some food, From their hidden stash, Food that Isaac had been trying to find for the past week.

"Y/n? Where are you, I want to talk about your Matasuke rolls, They are not good for you" Isaac called out walking into the throne room. She spots the pile of items on the floor. "What was messy kid" She walked over and picked the up items

"What's this for?" She shrugs. "Now where is that Kid? So I could take them to the festival later... Speaking of which I should get my outfit ready" Isaac said, the Shirt granted her wish the kimono of her dreams appeared in his arms. She looked down and couldn't believe her eyes.

She lifted in the air her dream Kimono, A beautiful autumn themed. "By the eight..." She quickly hides it, and looked around. Y/n was nowhere to be seen. She grinned and ran off with the treasure.

Just in time for Y/n to walking, to see their treasure gone alongside the paper and pen. Y/n dropped their Matasuke rolls.

Isaac closed her door to her room. She hanged out the Kimono. She smiled at the sight of it. "General Isaac!" Sara called out, She sighed. "Y/n is crying!" "shi-" She lays down the kimono down and ran out of her room, leaving the door wide open to admire the Kimono on the bed.

Yae Miko, wanders into the open door while going down the hall to follow the commotion. She spots the Kimono on the bed. "Hmm tacky" She walked up to it. "No specialty at all" She commented. The Kimono morphed to match her standards. "Oh...?"

"What happened!?" Isaac came running into the throne room. "Someone stole my treasure!" Sara pets their head. "It's ok... We'll find your treasure" She said. Isaac walked to them and hugged them, "Don't we'll find that thief, I'm sure of it..."

Yae Miko walked past with her signature cunning smirk on first. "I already have a clue and who might stolen it" Y/n buried their head into her chest. She would need to calm the kitten first.

Miko walked into the kitchen where Ei was trying her best took cook something good.

"Miko, how do you cook, I followed the recipe but the food always comes out dubious" She said holding the recipe, "The traveler makes it look so easy" She scratches the back of her head. "Well while you are trying to figure why, You're an awful cook, I have something to show you"

She said holding up the plain shirt and it morphed in a dress straight out of Fontaine. "Oh wow!" She walked over to her, putting down her recipe book and holding up the dress. "It's incredible"

"How does it work?" Ei asked. "Who knows, Maybe it's just magic that we don't understand"

Miko said. Isaac came running into the kitchen. "She's the one who stole!" Isaac pointed at Miko, "Stole what?" Ei asked still very much holding the dress up. "that!"

"Oh dear... But it wasn't me who stole it the first didn't I? Infact I believe it was in your room first!"

"And you'd think that, I would make Y/n cry just like that?" "I do" "Oh you little piece of sh-" both them were about to go head to head, Ei could smell something burning and it wasn't about the electricity in the air it was her cooking!

Ei threw away the dress it soon reverted back into the plain white shirt again, it flew with he wind, Flying out of the window and into a certain Blonde traveler from this world.

"Hyah!" The traveler the turned his waverider around, "Ahhhhh!!!" Paimon was scream for her life as the traveler was drifting. The only reason she wasn't fully freaking is because Aether could still see the what's ahead.

Until a plain white shirt blocked their view and the waverider went out of control.

"AHHHHHHH!!! I accept the god of ameno, as my one and only god!" Paimon screamed. They crashed into the sand.

When they came too, Paimon was first out. "Yes I made!" She floated over to the cause of their crash.

"Ugh! Who did this!?" Aether got hold of it. The shirt and held for a few seconds before it transformed into Venti's outfit. "What the!?"

The end.

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