still unforgiven

498 17 1

Y/n and Ei. Both of them stared each other down at Tenshukaku, Y/n's arrows are Sharps and deadly ready to Pierce through a God and their Blade Prepared to Kill.

The Shogun... Quick and Silent. With their pole arm ready sharp and At the touch. Her sword ready.

Elemental Burst ready. Both are at a disadvantage, both of them are immune to Electro but only when they are in their burst. Though Y/n does has a slight edge, they are a marksman precise shoots at Key points is enough to subdue the Puppet fully and even when it comes to close quarters combat, Y/n and Their mother Are equally Matched after all Y/n did learn from the best.

The Shogun knows this, the plan is simple, Dodge and Hit. Mainly Tails and ears and if possible... Pet them.

The Guards and generals watched from the side waiting who would make their move.

The air was tense and dense... And somehow a butterfly, was in the room Y/n dropped their bow and chased it around.

Everyone was confused and Amused, they all laughed and as it raises Y/n attacked the Butterfly before turning to the Shogun who was mere inches away. Y/n took out their Blade.

They lunged forward, the blade was aimed at the Head. She had no choice but to Activate her Burst. But Y/n was no longer Infront of her. She wasted a potential hit. Y/n rained down arrows.

From the top. She had to dodge just like her plan.

Y/n blended into the Shadow... Y/n, watched from inside the crowd.

As her 7 Seven seconds past Y/n struck. With the Yamato.

Y/n played defensively constantly block and her attacks. Just was she was about to enter a defensively stance Y/n teleported behind her and attacked her there.

She was hit. Y/n is too fast, for her to keep up. Looks like she has to Focus more. get in the head of her Child.

She unleashed her Elemental skill. Y/n was hit. Electricity coursed as they felt pain everywhere.

Y/n wasn't about to go into their Mortal limit.

Not yet... The Shogun quickly attacked with speed Y/n blocked each one with precision. She continues to attack each hit stronger and stronger than the last.

Y/n had to get away... Y/n remembered they had a umbrella.

Y/n took out their umbrella they plant to the ground as they jump away, still Blood was Spilled. All over, Those were Y/n's.

Y/n's two minutes were up. They were back to their bow. Y/n began firing arrows precise shots, the Shogun Dodge those but Y/n already fired one guaranteed to hit her. She finally got close to attack.

Y/n shot an arrow in the air, as they disappeared into the arrow. "Mortal Limit" they silently said as the emerge from the arrow, Y/n plunged hitting their second target.

Y/n's was now in Mortal Limit, Y/n pushed themselves with this one as they quickly lost small bits of Flesh as those pieces burnt Away and electricity left those open wounds.

Y/n had one second to Strike and the Target was hit. Her Dango Stock.

With that Y/n stopped themselves. Y/n quickly took out some universal peace and Bandages.

The Shogun was devastated! The new pile of Dango. "I didn't forget" Y/n looks at her with a smug look.

The end.

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