best mom #2 2/2

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Y/n continue to drink the boba like nothing was happening. Was it because...

In truth, nothing was different about it... there is no joke here. there isn't anything different. Y/n's spirit has tasted way too many sweets no matter the body they inhabit if it's something sweet, they don't care, even if it is something overly sweet like Ayato's Rainbow boba. To put it simply, Y/n's taste buds became numb to the taste of sweetness.

The drink is just super sweet, perhaps way too sweet. "Isaac can't get a hold of you quickly... so..." 'EIIIIII!!!' Miko's head started to hurt and her stomach was growling. Y/n sees this and pats her back. "thank you, Y/n" she smashed her on the table. Y/n smiled, 'I need to stay strong it's going to pass soon!' 

The sweetness is driving her mad. Y/n still wondered what was going on with her. She composed herself and closed her eyes and breathe slowly...

Y/n looked at her drink, as their's Dried up... She doesn't mind if they drank her drink, just a small sip. They looked at her... Knowing her, she'll probably get very, Angry with them. Y/n's ears lowered. The kitten was now sad.

Finally, everything passed. Miko looked at Y/n who was looking down and gloom. Their ears tell the whole story along with the empty bottle. 'Right' she slowly slid, the drink to them. Y/n looked up at her. "Go on, it's yours" Y/n politely declined. She was broken.

"Damnit it" Yae miko took a deep breath and drank the entire thing in on sip. Her brain was now overloaded with sugar as a precautionary measure to ensure she doesn't go and invent some destructive, Her body shuts he down.

She slammed her head on the desk. Y/n looked at it, and understood what happened now. Y/n tries to shake awake, that didn't work. Y/n sighed and just pats her head. Y/n dragged her out of the shop.

Y/n left outside and walked off.

Current score:

Ei: 3
Isaac: 2
Miko: zooted
Kamisato siblings: 46


This morning was going to be the finale! The finale for Ei, to finally win over the affection of Y/n! To this do this she has work to perfect her skill in cooking and now! Perhaps she will create the dish that Y/n would fall in love! The mix and blend of flavours would blow their taste buds out this world!!!

She knocks on Y/n door, She opens the door, Y/n looked up from their book, Y/n saw the Food in her hands, Y/n prayed to whatever fellow would take it. She walked up to them and showed them the outrageously gorgeous food. Y/n didn't want to believe it but here it was actually good food.

Y/n took a bite. They chewed and their mom waited with baited breath to hear the take, the criticism of their dear starlight. Y/n swallowed.

"Bland" Y/n said, their taste buds weren't blown away and that one word broke her, She walked away, Defeated and dejected.

Current scores:

Ei: Gave up
Isaac: 2
Miko: Recovering

This was it, today is going to be the finale, the end of the battle, Today was spending time with Isaac day, Which means, Y/n has a someone to who will watch over them, and save them whenever they do something dumb. Which means...

"Ok, Y/n we are in Sumeru!" Isaac smiled looking around. "man it's good to be back!" She took the air of the forest, it was fresh and felt the same, even after all these years!

Y/n immediately ran off, to look for a crocodile to wrestle, They heard many myths and legends of warriors wrestling Crocs for breakfast and eating it raw as Their meal.

Isaac looked down to where Y/n was but They already disappeared. Isaac's eye twitched as the early signs of trouble was in air. She chased after them, Following the sound of chaos.

She found Y/n with nothing but their bare hands about to go against a creature thrice their body weight and a bite force that could crush their puppet body in two.

Y/n was not fazed by this as the hope and the thought of knowing that their someone who is going beat up the spinocroc if anything goes array, filled them with determination!

The fearsome croc lunged at the little cat, Y/n was ready to catch, but Isaac caught it instead. Y/n stood still and their eyes light up. Intrigued by Isaac's power to hold it off.

She wrestled it down. "You can't keep doing this, Y/n it's not going to be sa-" The croc pushed back launching with it's own attack. She wrestled back down. "Just because you are a god doesn't mean that you do something as hard as croc- woah! Alright you!" She kicked the croc away.

"I don't you miss one bit" She cracked her knuckles and Neck. The fought the ferocious beast, it was a marvelous battle one that Y/n very much enjoyed. She final manged to turned the brain of the reptile to mush and for good measure she broke it's neck.

She took a deep breath, she approached Y/n with a furious expression. Y/n stood up and ran away. "Get back here!" Y/n let out their claws, they dug their hands into the trees and climbed up them. Jumping from branch to branch.

Isaac climbed up after them even without the abilities of cat she was still quick. Y/n jumped onto a mushroom with launches them upwards high into the sky. They land on top of the hill, where they continued, but a large stumper beast blocked their way.

Isaac landed and gave chase. Y/n quickly got out their bow, point into the air, drawing it with their mouth they pulled on the stumper beast's fur. Y/n fires their arrow.

Isaac blinked on moment, Y/n was still taking out their bow one more blink the stumper beast was head for her, while Y/n disappeared.

Isaac jumped over the beast. She scanned the area for Y/n. They were still in the arrow wait for it to reach the maximum height that it could go.

Isaac spots the arrow, She got ready rolls her eyes, and got ready to make the  jump, She runs to a nearby pool of water and using her cryo abilities, she used it to make a block of ice to launch herself upwards.

Just as Y/n reappeared, She caught them. "I have you know!" Her hold was to strong, Y/n was done for. Isaac landed safely on the ground. She caught her breath and she enjoyed her peace. "are in big trouble" Y/n was they were drained of all of their energy and listening to Isaac's lectures was the last thing they wanted, and so when they were placed down in the grass.

Y/n let their body go, and fall into a pool of crocodiles. "Nooo!" Isaac jumped down after them.


Isaac walked into tenshukaku with Y/n in their hands sleeping soundly, while she was drenched in the blood of the crocodiles who crossed her. The guards stood at attention. "Sara!!!" She called out. She rushed immediately ran out kneeling down to her Superior. "Yes Madam?"

"Rise, Soldier" She does as she is ordered. "Prepare My favorite food and drink, and a comfy bed" She said handing Y/n to her. "I need a break" she walked off. "Right away..."

Final score:

Ei: gave up
Isaac: tired
Miko: Recovering


The Kamisatos took Y/n in.

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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