Best mom #2 1/2

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The original idea for this chapter was Scraped. Also, I lost a bit of motivation and needed some time off Genshin. Now I'm somewhat back.


The war in the shadows between the Three figures of Inazuma has been going on now, without Y/n's Knowing which is impressive how they kept it a secret for so long. Many Battles We're fought for the Affection of Y/n and their Cat ears.

Currently, the scores are... Not looking too good.

Isaac: 2
Ei: 3
Miko: 1
Kamisato Siblings: 46

They got beaten by two people who aren't even part of this little competition for there's, Yeah Miko is in dead last you can thank the Yashiro Rascal for that, he got word of this competition a little why ago, He knows he can't mess with a general and the Ultimately Shogun herself, so he toyed with Miko instead.

"That Yashiro Rascal... This time you won't be able to Take Y/n away From me this time" she was mumbling to herself, the other shrine maidens were getting worried they had never seen her this mad, nervous, and paranoid. They whisper amongst themselves about what's going on.

"Lady Yae... Y/n is here" *ding!* She was back to her normal foxy self again like wasn't letting high amounts of Anger earlier, it's like nothing ever happened, the Emotion was gone the moment she Change Attitude.

"Y/n there you are..." She bent down to their height Gave them a little pet and pick them up. "Today is a special we'll be going to all different places! Just the two of us!" Just the two of us? Y/n couldn't believe it! they aren't going to pay for anything! "I hope You have your bag of mora ready!"

-1 point

now she's in trouble for real. but she is, of course, a sly fox, and who knows she might have very powerful tactics at play that they don't know about, every possibility is endless for this woman. weeks of planning have come down to this!

Current score:

Ei: 3
Isaac: 2
Miko: ???
Kamisato: 46

"don't worry your troubles will be repaid for quite well actually... I promise you that" Y/n had a question, "hmm? what is it?" "have you seen my bucket list?" They lost it... it was kept somewhere secret and only they knew where it was... they were worried. "you worry about people finding what you want to do before you die? you don't need to worry about it!"

Y/n opened their mouth to speak but- "shush! Now little one, we are going on an adventure!"

Adventure? Y/n did wonder when did she want to go on an adventure who's going to watch over the Shrine maidens?

It doesn't matter. She took out a list and the First on it was "make friends with an unusual hilichrul"

That's their first stop, "ready?"  Y/n nods. She walked over to the edge. The fall was tall and Y/n knew exactly was she was doing, when she set them up on her shoulder. "Ready?" Y/n placed them on her hair. They being to purr. She kept forgetting that Y/n is also a cat.

She got a running start and jumped. She activated her wind glider. Y/n looked at the View they were presented with, and their best friend the kamera was there to take the picture.

They eventually land nearby. Y/n jumped down and looked over around the place, Yae had a preplanned route, But she needs to make look natural.

After thinking for 5 seconds. She looked around and sooner or later they were going to spot something. Y/n can get easily distracted so much so even a little Crystal is enough to drive to chase.


She created a little purple fox to guide Y/n to the Hilichrul. She made the fox disappear. Y/n spots him! The CEO of Hoyoverse! The unusual Hilichrul!

Y/n excitedly pointed at Hilichrul, They lightly bounced, to get her attention.
"Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!" She could hear them alright, But this opportunity was to witness cuteness, she wasn't going to let this one go.

Y/n tugged on her Outfit. "Hmm? What is?" She looked at what they were pointing at. "Oh, an... That is an odd-looking hilichrul"

Their eyes light up with Excitement. "Ok, ok" She picks them up and made their wei to the Hilichrul.

Y/n was excited to meet this unusual hilichrul. Y/n approached it, and the hilichrul seemed to not mind their Presence.

She quickly took out the Kamera, And began to film the interaction. Y/n took out a pack of Papers, the Hilichrul sat up. The proposal was intriguing, the hilichrul puts down a cabbage, an interesting choice.

Y/n wasn't ready to let go of this majestic pile of Paper yet... Miko was enjoying this one. The hilichrul puts up another offer.

A Brand new Calligraphy set... Y/n wasn't so sure... They decided to double the offer, alongside the stack of paper, they added another stack and A single Cabbage and Carrot. The hilichrul wanted this now.

Wei offered a good sum of mora, Y/n wasn't accepting this... The hilichrul had no a choice! His final offer! A calligraphy set, more Kamera film, and a good sum of Primogems... Y/n looks toward you with a cheeky smirk.

Y/n took the offer and handed the Paper and vegetables to the Hilichrul. Y/n walked back to Yae Miko And waved goodbye to their new friend. She stopped recording.

Y/n reached for her hand. Miko held their hand. Next up on the list is to "try the rainbow Flavored Boba Made by Ayato"

Y/n wondered where they, were going next? She scanned the list. "Go fishing with someone" Bingo! She picked that as the next Activity, looks like they won't be going down the path... "Do you want to go fishing Y/n?" She picked them up, and Y/n shook their head.

"Then you must be hungry" "let's get some snacks and sweets then Go fishing, How is that?" Y/n nods to that one, immediately when Sweets are involved, Revenge Taste sweet... They still haven't forgiven Their mother for liking sweets more than Them.

She looks at the list of any food-related things on them. She found one "try every food in Uyuu restaurant drinks and Food"

This was easy. They teleported, to Inazuma City. They walked through the streets of early morning. "Ahh, I thought I might find you here" Ayato's voice rang out as they were about to enter. "Guuji Yae, A pleasure to see you as well"

"Commissioner, A rare sight to see you out here" electro charge was in the air. "I could say the same for you... No matter, I came here to give Y/n this, the Rainbow Boba they asked for" a smirk formed on his face. "And since you are here as well, Why don't have one as well," He said handing over two Boba. "Please, Excuse me, I have other matters to attend to" He bows before walking away. But without glaring at Miko, She glared back.

They entered the restaurant. Miko demanded, in a firm tone. "Have every Food on the menu on the table!" They hastily got to work cooking their dishes.

Y/n drank their boba... They had a face of joy on their face. Miko tried hers... She almost immediately wanted to spit it out, it made her feel sick and uneasy.

'How did you pay the rascal!?' She was fuming... Ever since this little game of theirs has been going on, the Yashiro rascal has been ruining everything!

She gets vengeance on him! Just he waits. Y/n looked rather concerned for her, they weren't surprised, this came from Ayato.

The end.

1/2 baby! There is no excuse, I was lazy! Haha... Sorry.

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