Home escape #1990

491 13 1

Why does the title sound like Manga or Anime


"Y/n?" "Y/n?" Ei called as she Looks around to find her little Cat for Y/n avoiding her is another day in the park.

"Finally... Some alone time" Y/n said to  themselves as they watch their mother Search for them from below.

Y/n enjoyed hiding in hard to reach areas. Mostly to avoid Those who actively Interrupt their Peacefulness.

Y/n sat back and Happily enjoyed reading the books Auntie Miko gave them for free.

"Y/n! How did you get up there?" This is where the fun beings. Y/n looks down and waved hello before going back to their book. "What are you reading?" She asked.

Y/n closed it and looked at the front page. "The twin Devil hunter" is what the book was called.

Y/n went back to reading the book. *Crackle Crackle* Y/n's ears picked up the sound, it's the sound of treats!

*Crackle crackle* "must... Resist temptation to... Eat Tasty snack!" She shakes it once more.

Y/n teleported down and grabbed the Box of Snacks. Before making a run for it.

"Jump!" Y/n glowed in purple before they jumped to the wall. They planted their hands on the Wall and began to Climb up to Their little cozy part in the Ceiling.

Y/n opened the pack of Treats. It made happy and forget they were hiding away.

"Come here, kitty" Y/n looked to their side and saw, her hands reaching for them.

Y/n hit it with their paw. "come on now, before I get the slipper"

Y/n stopped moving... 'Get the Slipper...' that Echoed in Their mind. Y/n held their treats and Books. They jumped off stepping on Their mother's head, causing her to lose balance and fall to the ground... She gets up immediately and began chasing them, Now with the slipper.

Y/n made a run for it to the exit. They ready their bow and arrow. They aimed their shot as they left the building and fired.

The arrow released and flied to the air.

"Gotcha!" Y/n looked at her with an Innocent look. Y/n smiled before disappearing leaving behind a small scratch on her Hand.

"Not again"


"Paimon thinks an arrow is about to land near us!" She predicted. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah Paimon is sure! Watch in one two three-" an arrow barely hit her head.

"Ahhh! That actually happened!" Y/n popped out of the arrow. "Y/n what are you doing here?"

They got up and looked at them.

"Saviour!" "Yeah! Paimom-" "not you!" Y/n ran up to Aether. "Save me!" Y/n said as they Clinged onto his leg.

"Ok!" Aether immediately said as he picks them up. "Uhh... Y/n who is do you need protection from?"

"Mommy" Y/n stared blankly


"They don't take any orders, From any Superior not even you and not even me" Yae Miko said. "Then why do they Listen to you at least?"

Yae thought For a moment... "If you think about it... Y/n is a small innocent little Kitty and you are Scary Purple cat, and they probably see me as Gentle and Caring fox. So as Protection for their life they come to me, don't get me wrong, Y/n does love you every much... Spending a minute without you is enough for them to miss you"

Ei took in the lengthy explanation for her. "but-" "since you always ruin their fun, that's why their usually not home. They will listen too you just as long as you Play with their game... This is the exact reason why I should have Y/n"

Yae looks out the last time Y/n was seen "they're near. That arrow wouldn't go far, you start searching before They disappear off the nation"

Yae told her.


"Uhh... Ok then, traveler... What should we do?" "We could let them join us with kichiboushi."

"Oh right! We can do that"

"Tanuki!" Y/n pointed out. "Yeah! He's our friend!"

The end.

I'll play around with a couple of Stories not related to this one. Also new book it's awful.

Kichiboushi is like a little Kid in a new place.

One Quiet lighting bolt [Genshin Impact]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora