Family time with the archons

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[Modern Au]


Vision Exist
Archons kinda
Slimes yes
Hilichruls yep


Welcome back everyone to Small town teyvat, it's your friendly neighborhood No. 11 Fatui harbinger codename Childe, but I also go by Tartaglia, and today we will continue with the next chapter of Small Town Teyvat.

"Y/n!..." Sara called but no answer, she sighs and went upstairs... She slowly opened the door, to see a marvel of Machine.

Y/n stopped and turned to Sara. They tilt their head. " much of your income you spend on that?" y/n pointed at the paper on the table.

She walked up to the table. Y/n continued with putting on the GPU... On their new shiny computer.

"This much for that?" Y/n shrugged it off. "well it's not like it really dented your Income" She said. Y/n Walked up to her.

"I wonder why you have such a big audience, when you rarely talk"

Y/n stared at her with hungry eyes. "Right... Your hungry aren't you?" Y/n nods, She picks them up. "How some family time, Zhongli and Venti are downstairs"

Y/n stared at her blankly. She just look away. She took Them downstairs.

"Are you sure we should be looking at it?" Venti asked, looking at a picture of  tall, pale skinned, you can see it's bones under it, the face seemed to be blurred out.

"Not to worry after it's fictional." Ei said taking the Picture away. "How about you, Zhongli? How's the good old married life been?" The Musician asked, the old retired God.

"It's has been great" He said drinking His Tea. "How about you two?"
"Great! I just made two new songs today!"

Ei stayed quiet and begin to sweat a bit. "Still relaying on your kid?"

"N-No!" "We all know it, Ei you're relaying on Y/n, he earns more money than you!" Venti Joked, Zhongli smiled.

"Mom their Here!" Sara said walking downstairs. "Y/n Sweetheart-" Venti gets zapped by lightning.

"Ow..." Venti sighed. "Y/n! Has Sara Told you yet?"

Y/n just stared blankly out into space. The situation went Awkward quickly. Ei took Y/n from Sara's arms. "Get them their favorite" She nods and quickly Rushes to the kitchen.

"If you can, my dear niece our favorite too! If you can!" Venti yelled.

Y/n moves away from Ei and sat down with Zhongli and Venti. "So... Y/n how much do you make every month?"

Venti asked. Y/n didn't responded and just sat there.

"I get this is how it's going to go..." Venti took out a pack of Candy bars. Ei and Y/n perked up and looked at at the Candy bars.

"May, I have some?" Zhongli asked. "sure thing old man!" Venti said giving, Him the candy.

Y/n squeaked out some sounds and Tried to get the candy bar. Venti petted the cat and gave them the Candy.


"Here" Ei, quickly tried to take it, but sadly it flied out of Venti's hand. "Oh, so sorry!" Venti took out another one.

Y/n already knows what would happen and quickly Climbed on his Uncle Head.

"Enjoying your stay?" He asked. Y/n happily smiled.

"Oops!" Venti smirked. Ei was beginning to get annoyed. Venti took out another Candy.

"Another one? Gosh, Sister your quite the Sweet lover" He joked.

Sara opened the cupboard. "Mr. Pyro what are you doing up there?" Sara Asked taking the slime out of the cupboard.

"You shouldn't be on there" she scolded the slime. "Come on you must-" *Bomb!!?*

"What was that?" She let go out Mr. Pyro. The slime bounce up.

Venti laughed at what Ei did. Zhongli looked at the huge hole on the side of the home.

"I am not paying" Y/n whispered. Ei, froze in the and practically shut down. 

Venti was still laughing at what she did.

"I'm done for..." "You are!" Venti gets smacked. "Worth it!" Ei kicked the hell out of Venti.

The end.

Aren't slimes cute?

The end. End.

It's me comrade still me... Though I getting quite Scared, all he needs now is a good Heart depth Set and to get me to level 80, Right now I'm 70 and I'm hitting 10-15k with my elemental burst... that on the low end of investment.

300 resin wasted in Level up mats.
4 condensed resin for talent.
4 more condensed for Artifacts.

The end. End. End.

Project reunion is coming in December.

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