Unfinished Business (That Sounded So Professional)

132 6 10

"I Wish I Was Never Born"

Rikiel: thanks for the presents, Father Pucci

Donatello: yeah thank you, I really liked mine!
Donatello: you know what I'm gonna enjoy even more?
Donatello: seeing Giorno turn around and leaving for good

TheGoldenSucc: is this because I didn't buy you a gift?

Donatello: I told you people I wanted that one book >:/
Donatello: also dad, don't think we didn't notice you asking Hol Horse to buy our gifts

ZAWORUDO: I'm a very busy man

Enrico: anyways, it was good having you here, Giorno. Feel free to come back whenever you feel like it

Ungalo: why are you leaving so soon, big bro?

TheGoldenSucc: well, I can't stay here forever, and I have work to do, Galo

ZAWORUDO: you could
ZAWORUDO: you know
ZAWORUDO: leave that to someone else

TheGoldenSucc: padre, I'm the boss of Passione, I can't just "leave that to someone else"

ZAWORUDO: For fuck's sake, Giorno, you're 16, go ride a bike or something

TheGoldenSucc: the one Hol Horse bought me?

ZAWORUDO: sure, why not

TheGoldenSucc: dad, I don't know how to ride a bike

Donatello: you drive around with a car that's more expensive than my organs, and YOU CANT RIDE A BIKE???

TheGoldenSucc: Narancia taught me once
TheGoldenSucc: it was traumatizing...
TheGoldenSucc: he insisted on me sitting behind him, but the moment we started moving, we almost got ran over ☹️

Donatello: should've gone through with that

TheGoldenSucc: okay, then you don't want the gift I got you

Donatello: you're my favorite brother

TheGoldenSucc: I bought stuff for everyone, they're under the tree. I'll be going now
TheGoldenSucc: I'll text you guys

ZAWORUDO: bye Giogioooo

Enrico: have a safe trip back

Rikiel: bye Giorno!!!

Ungalo: bye byeee

Donatello: die


"Underpaid Team😨"

Pineapple: thank you for the gift, big bro🥺

Ham: you're welcome.
Ham: man, is it nice to spend Christmas in an actually good house

Elsa: agreed, I feel rich for once in my life

Cheese: man this place ROCKS, we should've licked the boss' boots more often, we could've had this place way sooner!

HatGoesHahaFunny: speaking of boss, do guys have the paperwork I asked?

GenderfluidMirror: Riz please it's Christmas 😭

HatGoesHahaFunny: it will be your last if you don't have those papers 💸💸

GenderfluidMirror: what if I tell you we don't have them

HatGoesHahaFunny: pay up your fees boy

GenderfluidMirror: MAN

Cheese: okay what if we go get them now

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