Dio- The Update!

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A/N: did I... did I just write an ending that doesn't involve Narancia shitting himself, or giving away random gross information about his very worrisome lifestyle?? I've achieved seriousness.🧍‍♀️ Also, nobody cares, but I was on cloud 9 writing this chapter TwT have fun reading, darlings!


"Can we go see Santa, Bucciarati??"

The man looked down at Narancia, as they paced down the streets of Cairo. He, then, looked up at Abbacchio, who shrugged. A part of him still can't believe Narancia ACTUALLY believes in Santa, but the kid never had the chance to be told otherwise, anyways. He was too busy trying to survive in the streets, for someone to suddenly come up to him and say "News Flash! Santa is a lie created by the media!" They had bigger things to worry about.

Their group had decided to- although they were very tired from the trip, and it was already night-time- take a walk around the place to at least get familiarized with it. They decided to bring Boingo and Dio along, since the kid needed to catch some fresh air to calm down, and Boingo wanted to spend time with Giorno.

"Yes, yes! Can we??" The boy bounced up and down, looking up at the young Don, who was holding his hand just for good measure.

"Uhh, sure! I think there's a plaza near-by." He smiled.

"I thought they didn't celebrate Christmas in Egypt?" Mista asked, curious.

Sheila E sighed, kicking some rocks along her way, "It's like... 90% Muslims and 10% Christians. They do say that the Egyptian Christmas is one of the most beautiful ones in the world."

"No, the most beautiful thing in the world is I, Dio."

Everyone looked up at the man, "No."

"Ah-" he scoffed, "My subordinates seem to think so!"

"I don't." Boingo chuckled mischievously, gripping Giorno's hand tighter.

"Silence, child! You're much too young. Just stick to your damn book."

"Speaking of your subordinates- padre, for the love of everything that is holy- you need to stop having sex while we're here! It's awkward!"

"Just don't listen to it, then."

"Easier said than done..." muttered Abbacchio.

"What was that Abantino? Hm? Yeah! Cuz at least I'M having sex." The man laughed, poking the other's arm.

That's it. Abbacchio exploded.

"Oh you've had sex?! Well, I've had enough!"

"Abbacchio," Mista giggled, "Think about it: it could be worse! He could be into feet."

Dio paused, "Yeah... that's... that's worse, right..?"



When they arrived at the plaza, all they could do was gasp.

The place was beautiful beyond words. Lights everywhere; a big, decorated Christmas tree; music, happy kids running around, couples shopping... truly the holiday spirit!

"Woah... this place is awesome!"



They all looked back at Narancia and Boingo, who suddenly yelled at the sight of the fat, red man, sitting before the giant tree.

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