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"Underpaid Team😨"

GenderfluidMirror: I'm at the supermarket, what do you people want me to buy?

HatGoesHahaFunny: food in general, we're on the verge of starvation

Cheese: chill capo, we're not that bad💀

Pineapple: it's true, though :( I'm hungry

Ham: but you're always hungry

GenderfluidMirror: alright and what else

NoMilkIce: uhhh shampoo would be nice
NoMilkIce: Melone used all of it already

IGotTheMilk: not like you need it. Poor thing's balding at the ripe age of 27

NoMilkIce: you're such a sweetheart...

Mamalone: yeah and how do you think I keep my hair this shiny and smooth?

Ham: nah bro, it's greasy and it smells like exhaust pipe

Pineapple: he smells like highway and chemicals

Elsa: it's literally falling apart. You dye it every week with the shittiest products ever. Just keep it blonde

Mamalone: hell nah! Lavender is MY color!

IGotTheMilk: also look who's talking Mr Blue hair

Elsa: you don't see me dying my hair constantly do you??

Ham: well you did paint it with gouache the other day

Elsa: we are poor.

GenderfluidMirror: anything else?

Cheese: condoms

GenderfluidMirror: ayo, talk about being straightforward LMFAO

Cheese: bro everyone in this team is sexually active, except for Pesci, deal with it💀

GenderfluidMirror: man I grew up going to church every Sunday and praying ten Hail Mary's every hour. The only thing I know about condoms is that they were created by the devil

Cheese: well that explains a lot

Mamalone: anyways, I don't think we need anything else

HatGoesHahaFunny: yeah I think that's everything for now

GenderfluidMirror: alright, I should be home in an hour

HatGoesHahaFunny: ok.

Mamalone: why did you put a full stop there

HatGoesHahaFunny: because that's how you write sentences, Melone.

Mamalone: well yeah but it's an "ok", there's no need to put a full stop after it

HatGoesHahaFunny: well it's a word that's been being used for a ton of years, it's convenient

Mamalone: except it's not, it just makes you look and sound menacing

Elsa: I beg to FUCKING differ☝️
Elsa: it's still a sentence, so it is correct to put a full stop after it

Mamalone: why are you never on my side😭

Elsa: are you ever in mine??


Pineapple: there there, let's not fight

Mamalone: awww we said it at the same timeeee

Elsa: sihdjwjaww

Ham: @/GenderfluidMirror do the thing, I'm gonna get sick from this conversation alone

HatGoesHahaFunny: here we go. Silencing an entire group of Italian men, activate

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