Mista's Demise

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A/N: we don't know much about Mista's backstory, so I wanted to make a chapter about my headcanon :)


"We Need A Free Day"

Pudding: can yall stop spamming the groupchat??? I'm trying to listen to their conversation!!

⁉️: oh so Mista's brother just comes in like nothing, and we're supposed to be all normal about it??

Pudding: yes

TheGoldenSucc: you do know I'm in the same room as them right?

Pudding: I wanna hear it for myself 😾

⁉️: I wanna hear too! I'm coming in!

EmoGworl: Dude stop it

⁉️: why?? It's my house too!

EmoGworl: you can't go in because

⁉️: because??

EmoGworl: cuuzzzz you have cancer!
EmoGworl: yeah, yeah, that's right, you have cancer
EmoGworl: and you can't go in there, because you'll pass it on to them
EmoGworl: in fact, you should stay away from all of us
EmoGworl: even better! You should lock yourself in your room and never come back out!

Girlboss: Abbacchio please, do you really think he's that stupid to

⁉️: oh my God...
⁉️: am I going to die..?

Girlboss: you're shitting me.

EmoGworl: hopefully not, buddy
EmoGworl: but uh
EmoGworl: if you stay in your room you won't be in contact with the cancer bacteria
EmoGworl: so yeah, stay inside

⁉️: yes yes
⁉️: oh my God... I knew I shouldn't have put my head inside the microwave...

KillMe: Narancia, you don't actually have canc

EmoGworl: you shouldn't have done it. Maybe this time you'll learn not to shove parts of your body inside of places with radiation
EmoGworl: or places in general

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MommyShark: hey whats going on with Narancia oh
MommyShark: okay
MommyShark: feel better soon, Nara!!

⁉️: I'll stay inside forever!!!

1 participant is now offline.

MommyShark: @/EmoGworl you're an asshole. A smart asshole

EmoGworl: you can't be smart, if the people around you aren't stupid.


"You should really come back home, Guido! Mom and dad finally have enough money to take care of all of us!"

Mista sighed, leaning back on the couch, "I already told you, Santi, I can't go back. It's not that I don't want to but... oh, who am I kidding- no, I don't want to come back. Besides, I'm an adult already! I have a job!"

The younger boy frowned, "Not even to spend New Year's? What are you doing in Naples that is more important than family?"

"Honestly? At this point, everything is more important than "family". And besides, I already have a new one. Fodasse, Santi- one that wouldn't leave me no matter how poor we are." He replied, looking back at Giorno, who was scrolling on his phone. God, he loves Twitter...

The blonde looked back nodding, "Oh yeah, mm-hm."

"Wait..." the boy started, "Don't tell me you live here. Guido, this place is huge! Where do you even work at?!"

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