Heritage Pt.3

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A/N: woah this chapter is huge💀 but I'm so proud of it. We love a mudad🥺 Enjoy!


For the next 5 minutes, all they could hear from the hallway of Giorno's private quarters, were the screams of their friend.

Nobody spoke during that time. They just sat there, listening to everything. Eventually, Sheila E arrived with Polnareff, and they got updated on the situation, but they couldn't do much besides waiting with them.

Meanwhile, Fugo was still sitting on Giorno's bed, watching the scene unfold before him.

He watched when Giorno finally stopped screaming, hyperventilating as he stared into his father's eyes.

"God, I have your eyes..." the blonde mourned between breaths, almost whimpering, but never letting go of Dio's collar.

And Dio, against all odds, did what Giorno was in need of, for the past 16 years. What his mother and step-father should've given him when he was just a kid, but he never received.

What Dio should've given him all those years ago, but he was never there.

He placed his hand on the back of his son's head and pulled him towards his chest. Then, his other hand moved up, rubbing gentle circles on his bare back, and Giorno was in awe.

Was Dio hugging him? Why?

"I'm sorry."

Oh, there it is.

"I know it's not your fault, and you didn't ask for this. The reason why I let your and your brothers' mothers live, was because I wanted you to be a mirror of mine. To thrive like I did, until I no longer did. I wanted you to build an empire of your own, and I guess you succeeded. I wanted to keep on living and watch you grow, but I was stopped in the meanwhile. But I'm glad you did not meet me in time. If you hate me now, you would've detested me back then."

Giorno didn't move, his breath still worked up from the fit of rage he had moments ago.

"I am not like you, dad."

"I know, Giorno."

"Everytime I look in the mirror I see you, and I hate it."

"I know, Giorno."

"And now I look like the young version of yourself and I absolutely despise it."

Dio hummed in agreement, as he sat back on Giorno's armchair, pulling his son along with him. He's never shown this kind of affection towards anybody, but he felt that his son deserved a father, maybe now more than ever. He was not there for him back then, but he is here now. For him, and for the rest of his sons.

"I am not you. I don't... I don't want to hurt people who don't deserve it, padre..."

"And you're very much like Jonathan in that aspect."

Giorno chuckled weakly, "That was dad's name, right?"

Dio hummed, playing with Giorno's golden locks.

"Dad, I'm... I'm horrendous. I don't want to scare my friends which... I just did, didn't I..?" The blonde asked, as he looked at the empty room from the corner of his eye.

He sighed in defeat. He's really done it this time, didn't he?

"You don't scare me."

Both Giorno and Dio almost jumped at Fugo's sudden claim. Since when was he there? Didn't he leave with the others?

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