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"La Squadra😼"

Ham: you know, having the boss's father in the villa seemed interesting at first
Ham: but it's been a week
Ham: and I swear, everytime I enter that place, I'm greeted with some type of incomprehensible sight
Ham: it's beyond amazing

Pineapple: when we went to pick up Mista and Narancia, we found Mr Brando braiding the boss's hair. It was cute :3

Ham: right, and then you remember what happened?

Pineapple: yeah but that doesn't matter🥺

Mamalone: no, I wanna know, what happened?

Ham: Abbacchio and Mr Dio started fighting because apparently it's Abbacchio's job to braid the Don's hair. The living room had a hole covering the wall

HatGoesHahaFunny: I thought he didn't have his Stand?

Ham: he doesn't, that hole was created by his own fists💀

Mamalone: reminds me of my sweet Ghiaccio 🥰

IGotTheMilk: #angerissues 😍

HatGoesHahaFunny: Mr Gelato, you're supposed to be on a mission🤨

IGotTheMilk: Ghiaccio's got this, it's fine
IGotTheMilk: he literally refuses to let me help lol

HatGoesHahaFunny: get him online, will you? Take cover for him in the meanwhile

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Elsa: what

HatGoesHahaFunny: what's that whole "not letting Gelato help" story?

Elsa: oh here we go

HatGoesHahaFunny: no, don't bring me that, Mr Ghiaccio, we've talked about this
_| \ _

Elsa: I have a stand and he doesn't! It'll be easier if you just let me do this alone!

HatGoesHahaFunny: I send you on team's for a reason, Ghiaccio. You might have one of the strongest stands, but you can't do everything by yourself. You're in a foreign city, and it's your first time there. Gelato has an awesome memory and sense of location. He's a great help

GenderfluidMirror: yeah dude, he was here before any of us, he has more experience than anyone. He knows the entirety of Italy like the back of his hand

Cheese: it's actually scary

Elsa: listen, Gelato is probably one of the two people on this team, whose existence I actually don't mind having around. But I'm gonna say it: the guy is weak.
Elsa: I get that he's good when it comes to smaller missions, because all he has is a gun and a pocket knife! But not this type of thing!

Cheese: well, he does have better aim than any of us

Elsa: even Sorbet is more useful than him! The mother fucker is a professional sniper!

NoMilkIce: yeah, but unlike Gelato I don't have any sense of location and time. He's perfect when you want to sneak around and get the job done quickly

Mamalone: yeah he's amazing in that aspect

Elsa: okay Melone, which side are you on

Mamalone: I'm not choosing sides, I LOVE YOU GHIA BYE WJSBWJSN

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IGotTheMilk: I'm done, can we go have pizza now?🧍‍♂️

Elsa: what?🙂

IGotTheMilk: they're dead now
IGotTheMilk: and before you ask, yes Riz, I brought their samples. I'll leave them on the coffee table

HatGoesHahaFunny: thank you, Gelato
HatGoesHahaFunny: well, Ghiaccio?

Elsa: what.😃

IGotTheMilk: come on Ghiaaaa I WANT PIZZAAAAA

Elsa: what😁

IGotTheMilk: come on, man! It's on me! Let's go!

Elsa: I'm 😊

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HatGoesHahaFunny: I need to give that guy some ego-crushing classes

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