The Trauma That Haunts The Weak

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A/N: when I learned that Rikiel was actually in a gang, I just HAD to make a chapter about it. It was stronger than me.


"Rikiel, stop being STUPID!"

"You're calling me stupid when you were the one who threw the milk all over the counter!"

"You need it, you thirsty thot!"

"You shut up, Ungalo! No one called you to the conversation!"

"Your mom did."

And a fight broke out in the middle of the kitchen. Giorno watched his brothers from the living room, wondering if he should intervene....

Nah, what would be the fun in that?

"Aren't you going to stop them?" Abbacchio asked him, as he finally sat down on the big couch, next to him.

"Nop. They're baking a cake. If they can't even do that, they'll realize how idiotic they're being, sooner or later."

"Giogio," the familiar voice of the second brother sounded from behind them, "I need to talk to you."

Giorno sighed, "If this is about the fact that your shower isn't working, no, you cannot use mine."

"No, it's not that. It's actually quite exciting news!"

The blonde's eyes shone with curiosity, "Oh? What might those be?"

Rikiel bounced up and down before he placed his hands on his brother's shoulders, "I became part of a gang recently!"

The group's ears were suddenly on the conversation. Giorno's expression dropped.

"Well, it's not a gang like yours, but it's still a gang. Genes, am I right? Hehehe-OOF!"

And when Giorno's palm crashed against his cheek, Rikiel immediately stopped laughing.

Well, that was an unexpected reaction.

And then, he was being dragged towards the hallway, a rough hand grabbing the back of his shirt, as a wave of "ow, ow, ow!" resonated through the halls.

"You think being in a gang is fun? You think it's a little adventure you can go on?"

"You sure make it look like it-OW!" He groaned as his leg got kicked full force.

"Alright, then. You shouldn't be opposed to me kicking your ass and you kicking mine back, right? Come on, boy. Show me what you got!"

"OOOO FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" Ungalo's voice suddenly sounded from the door. When Rikiel realized, he had an audience.

Great. Now he had an audience for when his ass got royally beaten to oblivion. Is nobody going to stop this nonsense?? Why is dad filming??? And why is Father Pucci encouraging him?!?!

"Come on, Rikiel. Show me how much fun you're gonna have in that little gang of yours!" Giorno kept persisting, pushing his brother further into the hallway, crashing his hands against his chest and hovering over him.

When Rikiel tried to swing a punch in his brother's face, Giorno's fist came crashing down against his crotch and that was K.O. for the boy, who groaned in pain on the floor.

"Is that all you got?! Come on, Rikiel!" A kick on his neck, "Is this fun to you?!", a punch in his stomach, "Are you having fun?!"

"Stop! Stop! I give- I give up!" When Giorno knelt to his brother's level, pulling his head by his hair, he looked him dead in the eyes, "No brother of mine is joining a gang. You're quitting the moment you go back to the US, and if they put up a fight, you do so as well. Got it?"

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