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A/N: I felt like writing the backstories of every member in La Squadra. So I'm making it everyone's problem now 😃 I'm writing their current ages, the ages they joined the team, and how they joined it, along with their backstories! (And also, a tiny bonus at the end ;))

HAHA YEAH... this chapter is HUGE. So you can only read the characters you're interested in, if you don't wanna read the whole thing!

TW: Suicide, Abuse, Attempted rape, Transphobia, General violence (most of these are mentioned very quickly).


Risotto Nero (28)
Formed the team: 21

Risotto was born and raised in a gang. His mother was a sniper, and his dad worked in the gambling business.

His parents made sure to educate him properly- teaching him how to count, read, write, etc... but they especially taught him the secrets of their world. His mother would teach him the proper ways to hold a gun, and what to do with it. While his dad taught him all about the amazing world of manipulating the human mind- therefore, building a strong fortress as a personality, not allowing himself to be easily fooled.

Risotto got his Stand at the age of 14. Only natural, since his own parents were users, as well.


Gelato (26)
Joined the famiglia: 14

Gelato grew up in a... not so lovable home. After he accidentally knocked out a man who tried to attack him, at the age of 14 (more than obviously, an act of self-defense), his parents decided to disown him. At that point, they were only looking for a reason to disown him, and the boy knew that. So he, more than gladly, left.

On the same day he left home, he befriended Risotto on the streets. At first, the white haired teen tried to push the blonde away, but next thing he knew, they were inseparable.

And so, Gelato joined his famiglia, never gaining a Stand of his own. Only did he find out about Stands a couple of years later, when the team was "fully" formed.


Formaggio (25)
Joined the famiglia: 18

Formaggio lived an average life: loving, average parents, who educated him well; surrounded by friends; having fairly good grades; and developing a Stand at the age of 15. Life was good for him. Until he met his ex-girlfriend, at the age of 17.

It started romantic. Formaggio was on cloud nine, fully convinced he had found the woman of his dreams. Then, stuff escalated. Calling him all types of names became a routine. She cheated constantly, but he never minded, because he wanted to make things work with her. And for a while, they did. They even started sharing an apartment!
Then, she slapped him for the first time. Formaggio contemplated the idea of leaving for good, but after a crying session, she convinced him that it would never happen again! Surprise, surprise! It happened again. Every. Single. Day. Slaps became shoves, and shoves became punches, and well... he never laid a finger on her. He had not been educated to lay a finger on a woman, and lose his support.

One fateful night, Risotto and Gelato had gone out for dinner, at the restaurant Formaggio worked, at the time. This was during the time Risotto was planning to form a team of his own. So when he accidentally witnessed Formaggio's Stand in action, he was more than curious. But he didn't want to drag an innocent man into this world.

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