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"Alright, lovebirds! Would you hurry it up in there?!"

That was the third time Mista had called Leone and Bruno, and he's sworn- with both body and soul- that if he had to call them one more time... he just wouldn't do it. Not when the cursed number was just around the corner.

The group of five have been patiently waiting outside the villa for the other 2, for the past 15 minutes. They knew they were awake, because Abbacchio's morning bad mood never goes unnoticed.

They didn't complain, though. It was a surprisingly warm summer night. Perfect to catch a flight.

As excited as Narancia is, he can't help but yawn. Going to sleep at 7 pm, and waking up at 1 in the morning, isn't part of his routine. At all.

"Call them again. We were supposed to leave 10 minutes ago."

"Do you think they're constipated?"

All eyes fell on Trish.

"What? You never know when your body will decide to betray you!"

"Nobody's constipated. Let's get moving." Bruno suddenly stated, Abbacchio closing the big gates behind them.

"You talk a big game for the one who's late. What happened, anyways?" Fugo asked, helping Leone with his suitcase.

"I forgot my charger, but when I went to go get it, it just wasn't there anymore. I figured we could just buy one, when we get to Portugal." The white haired man explained, closing his car's trunk.

"Aaaand... of course Prosciutto is calling me." Mista rolled his eyes, getting in the passenger seat. Sighing, he answered the call, watching as Leone started the car, "Hi, man. I know we're a bit late. Something came up. No worries, everything is fine. Bucciarati is not constipated." The brunette snickered along with Trish, who leaned over his seat to hear the conversation.

"...I'm not gonna ask." And just like that, the call ended, as the two burst out laughing like hyenas.


"Are they on their way?! With the time they're taking, I could've slept 10 more minutes!" Illuso screamed as soon as Prosciutto placed his phone back in his pocket.

"They had a slight problem, but they're on their way. Bucciarati is not constipated."


"Don't ask."

"Where's Mag, anyway?" Melone asked from the door, as he looked back inside to check on his friend.

"He went to take his cat to Tiziano. The guy adores that animal, I don't get it." Sorbet answered from the floor, where him and Gelato were playing UNO.

"For your information, Mr. Coochie is very adorable!" Formaggio almost screamed, towering over his friend.

"I still can't believe you named the poor creature "Mr. Coochie"."

He sighed, "It reminds me of the good times..."

Not a single word was exchanged between the group from that moment on.

At least, not until the Bucciarati team's car sped down the avenue, almost sending the whole thing flying when it suddenly stopped.

Abbacchio rolled down his window, exchanging looks with Prosciutto.

"You're late."

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