The Decision

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"We Need A Free Day"

DaMan: are yall down to go bully little kids on Roblox?

TokenStraight: HELP???


DaMan: no roblox, then?

TheGoldenSucc: I'll join you later, Mista.


Pudding: Giogio, I was expecting so much more from you🗿

TheGoldenSucc: I said "later"
TheGoldenSucc: first, I wanna ask your opinions on something

MommyShark: if it's about last night's interrogation, then no. Don't run over those guys

EmoGworl: aw man... I hate those guys, though!

TheGoldenSucc: they'll receive their punishment soon. I wasn't talking about that, though
TheGoldenSucc: listen, Risotto texted Panna at like... 1 in the morning
TheGoldenSucc: wait I'll send you the screenshot

 1 in the morning TheGoldenSucc: wait I'll send you the screenshot

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DaMan: are we
DaMan: are we ignoring his profile pictURE💀

EmoGworl: gonna pretend I didn't see that

TokenStraight: I bet it was Gelato's work🗿

TheGoldenSucc: but yeah, I'm conflicted.
TheGoldenSucc: it's not like we're lacking assassins- because we're not. But La Squadra is the best in the subject
TheGoldenSucc: but if they're this exhausted, to the point where their capo has to ask for this, and it's affecting their work...

MommyShark: well, you call the shots, but if you're asking for our opinion
MommyShark: I don't see why not

EmoGworl: are you serious, Bucciarati?
EmoGworl: what? Do they also want a massage and some caviar?

TokenStraight: ooh! That sounds nice!

MommyShark: well, the last time they had a free day, was like...
MommyShark: a year ago
MommyShark: and that's saying a lot, considering that they've become somewhat our friends, and partners.

DaMan: we have that privilege, but they don't
DaMan: they do amazing, that's a fact. But they are the ones that get paid the less, and they work their asses off.
DaMan: I vote for them taking a break!

Girlboss: same here! Also, they make amazing pizzas

TokenStraight: I vote for them taking a break as well. The Guard Squad has had more free days, and they work less than them

TheGoldenSucc: now that you mention it, the Guard Squad has been doing amazing. Remember last month when we ordered pizza, and it was poisoned?

TokenStraight: I still want my pepperoni pizza 😔

DaMan: oh yeah! I remember hearing Squalo's desperate screams as he ran up the stairs to stop us from eating the damn pizza😭

Pudding: I remember him breaking the door down, because we were all confused🗿

DaMan: they're not my favorite people in the universe, but they do God's work🛐

EmoGworl: back to the initial issue, I still vote it as a 'no'
EmoGworl: we don't go on vacation too, so it would be unfair, don't you think?

DaMan: we can all go on vacation! Both of our groups! We leave the documents and the important stuff to the Guard Squad. It wouldn't be the first time. When we went to Venezia for a week, they were the ones taking care of everything

EmoGworl: yeah, you idiot. But we weren't on vacation. We went there to work.

DaMan: what's the difference?? We weren't in the villa, and they were the ones taking care of everything!

TokenStraight: man! I do need a break.

Girlboss: same

MommyShark: you just want to skip school.

Girlboss: SHHHHHHH

TheGoldenSucc: Fugo, you're my secretary and counselor. Help me on this

Pudding: well...
Pudding: you can do what Mista said. Give us a break for a week, along with La Squadra, and leave everything to the Guard Squad.
Pudding: besides, it's not like we'll be gone for a month. It's just a week. Consider it like recharging the batteries

DaMan: I think I know why Giorno is so conflicted
DaMan: I don't think it's about the fact that we'll lack assassins, and members
DaMan: I think he's scared of coming off as too nice and chill for a boss, and that it will ruin his image

TheGoldenSucc: see? This is why you're my right hand. You read me like a book

DaMan: hehe

MommyShark: well, if that's the problem, don't worry about that. You don't need to tell anyone what we'll be doing for a week

TokenStraight: yeah just tell the others that we need to leave, and don't bring back up, or cameras.

Pudding: yeah, if somebody tries to attack, you have us.

TheGoldenSucc: alright, I'll give them, and you guys a week. I know how desperate you are to sleep in, especially you, Narancia.

TokenStraight: 😼

TheGoldenSucc: Trish, about your classes...

Girlboss: don't worry about it. I'll ask my friends for the homework and notes they took in class, and pass them to my notebook at night. And don't worry, I won't tell them where I'll be going!

TokenStraight: I'm still wrapping my head around the fact that you have classes in July

Girlboss: what can I say? I'm one of a kind ❤️

Pudding: do you want me to organize everything for you, Giogio?

TheGoldenSucc: please, and thank you.

Pudding: that's what I'm here for!

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TokenStraight: just an idea
TokenStraight: why don't we create a chat for both our group, and La Squadra? So we can talk more clearly about this

TheGoldenSucc: good idea, Nara

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DaMan: the fact that he's still hiding stuff from us- including his emotions- is kind of bothering me

MommyShark: Mista you have to understand the place he's in

DaMan: I know, but it hurts to know that he might be getting the wrong idea out of this

EmoGworl: I might not be Giorno's biggest fan, but one thing is for sure: he might be many things, but he's not an idiot
EmoGworl: he knows he's the boss of Passione, and that him being 16 kind of takes away the seriousness the members have for him
EmoGworl: even though he only shows his face to us, La Squadra, the Guard Squad, and the villa keepers, he's still scared. Which is understandable
EmoGworl: he goes to Libeccio's and other places with us, knowing that nobody knows who he is, but he's still scared
EmoGworl: I think he also needs this break

DaMan: yeah have you seen the bags under his eyes?

TokenStraight: man looks like he hasn't slept in a week🗿

Girlboss: hopefully this will do him well...

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