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Narancia and Trish ran down the long halls of the villa, giggling and laughing uncontrollably, as the massive boxes in their hands were just about to burst open. (Of course, if that happened, they'd be the ones who'd have to clean the mess, and hear Bruno's sermon in caution and organization for a whole week).

But only imagining Bruno's face painted in raw rage was, ironically, the funniest shit at the moment.

After they passed the little tunnel between the main part of the villa and the garden, they finally arrived at Giorno's private quarters. And it's kind of sad to see that in the day, the guy can't even have the massive windows open, letting the sun right in. Well, who told him to be a vampire?? >:T

"Where do you think you're going?" Mista's voice sounded from behind them, chuckling at their immediate reaction.

"Dude, Mista, bro, don't do that to me! My heart is weak!"

"Yeah, yeah, poor you. Giorno isn't in his room. He's already in the living room with the others."

"You're fucking with me."

"We ran ALL THE WAY here for NOTHING??"

Mista scoffed, "Why do you always torture yourselves when it comes to decorating the villa for Christmas..? Anyways, do you have the tree?"

"Yes, and it's as heavy as your ass. Take it from here." Narancia sighed, handing the himalayan box to his friend, who held it like it weighed nothing.

"This is about Abbacchio's weight."

"Bro's thighs are thick as shit, don't blame me."


And so, very reluctantly, they ran back to the living room, finally finding their friends absolutely REDECORATING the place.

The big room, even though dark, due to the lack of sunlight, was totally rearranged! Everything seemed to shine with how clean it was! What a good way to enjoy your free day...

"Woah... is this really our living room??"

"I'm used to see Rex running around, the furniture destroyed by Aerosmith, and the floor dirty with mud that only God knows where it came from. Yall really made a turn on this!" Trish chuckled, finally placing her boxes down.

Sheila E ran up to her, taking the boxes, "Don't do that! These are fragile!"

"What, does it have animals inside or some shit?"

"It has Christmas decorations made out of glass! And I bought them, and they were NOT cheap."

As the two girls sat down on the floor, opening the boxes, Narancia started thinking (yes, he thinks sometimes): should he ask why GER is holding Giorno up by the legs, as the guy honestly seems to be doing absolutely nothing? Maybe not. Self-love on a whole nother level, coming from his mind!

"Oh, by the way..." The blonde finally spoke, "Cannolo is coming to help. He'll also be spending the holidays with us."


"The guy will be alone on Christmas! I can't let that happen!"

Abbacchio scoffed, "You're too soft on him."

"At least I don't smell like grandma perfume, Abbacchio."

Everyone jumped at the man's sudden claim from the shadows.

"My dude, where the hell did you come from??" Fugo almost let out a high-pitched scream, as the man's face was basically on his shoulder.

"A-A-W took a while with their little number, I got a little late."

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