Surprise Visit Pt. 2

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"We Need A Free Day"

Pudding: Giogio, you need to
Pudding: you know
Pudding: breathe

TheGoldenSucc: I'm doing the best I can 💀

EmoGworl: you were so calm and collected meeting your fucking father, who is a vampire and has killed thousands
EmoGworl: but to meet this brother of yours, you're losing your fucking marbles?

TheGoldenSucc: at least with padre, I knew what to expect! You know, him pissing in your beds if he didn't like you, being an annoying little shit during dinner, laughing in my face when I did something wrong
TheGoldenSucc: totally normal dad stuff
TheGoldenSucc: but I have NO IDEA who this guy is
TheGoldenSucc: to make it all worse, dad didn't answer any of my texts so I don't know ANYTHING
TheGoldenSucc: I just hope he doesn't stay around like father did

TokenStraight: yeah, hopefully not💀

DaMan: don't worry, if shit goes down, me and Panna will be with you!
DaMan: besides, you can always blow him to kingdom come

TheGoldenSucc: you think that's gonna happen??? I want to at least give him a chance!

MommyShark: Mista, you're freaking him out

Girlboss: Giogio, everything is going to be okay. If he's here, he most likely wants to get to know you! I'm sure you'll be okay!

TheGoldenSucc: right
TheGoldenSucc: right. It's gonna be fine
TheGoldenSucc: I guess I'll be going now

TokenStraight: be cool!

Girlboss: remember to breathe!

MommyShark: you're gonna be fine!

EmoGworl: don't let the door kick your ass on the way in

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MommyShark: really Abba?

EmoGworl: he needed to hear it


"You're... shorter than I thought?"

Giorno stared at the ravenhead from across the room. Honestly, same. He didn't expect Rikiel to be taller than him, since his father had told him he was the eldest brother. Which... kind of made his ego happy, but he wouldn't admit that, of course.

The blonde cleared his throat, getting rid of the tension, "It's nice to meet you, Rikiel." He smiled, "I'm gonna be honest, I didn't expect you to visit."

Both of them sat down at the table, Mista and Fugo eying each other. Yes, maybe Giorno was freaking out over nothing.

"Neither did I. Actually, I'm here because dad also visited me and the others."

"He did?"

Rikiel laughed, "Oh yeah. The guy clogged the toilet twice. Apparently the man we live with has a great connection with him. I'm actually starting to believe they're more than "just friends" but who am I to judge?"

"That explains why he called himself a slut." Mista snickered under his breath, and Fugo laughed abnormally loud, but thankfully the other two were too busy talking.

"By the way, how old are you?" Giorno was over the moon, even if his face didn't show it. At first, he was scared shitless, but now he's just really excited and curious! I mean, he's meeting one of his brothers for the first time! How exciting is that?!

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