Mi Casa No Es Tu Casa

185 8 2

"La Squadra😼"

TokenStraight: you know, this groupchat needs a change....

TokenStraight has changed the groupchat's name to "Underpaid Team😨"

Mamalone: okay cool but like
Mamalone: where did you spawn from?🧍‍♂️

Elsa: yeah why the fuck did you add them? @/HatGoesHahaFunny

HatGoesHahaFunny: the boss told me that they'll be staying with us for a week. They will help us however we need

GenderfluidMirror: ah so they're basically our stay-at-home nannies

Cheese: I think we're the nannies here🗿

EmoGworl: listen we want this just as much as you. Which is 0%

IGotTheMilk: nonono you guys know what🥺
IGotTheMilk: you will be a great help around here!
IGotTheMilk: looking forward to your arrival😚

TokenStraight: please get rid of the rotten cheese smell first, please

Cheese: I don't like this already

Mamalone: all I heard from this conversation was "free evening"🤩

HatGoesHahaFunny: no, they'll only help us. They're not here to do our job for us

Elsa: besides, you have a fucking mission in 30 minutes, why are you still here???

Mamalone: I do?

HatGoesHahaFunny: MELONE

TokenStraight: LMFAO

EmoGworl: how responsible 💀

TokenStraight: no wonder you're poor

HatGoesHahaFunny: okay guys, my apartment, my rules. First rule is: no making fun of our financial situation, unless you're part of the team

Mamalone: second rule: don't have sex when there's people home!

HatGoesHahaFunny: okay but that rule doesn't apply to them. They don't have sex

Cheese: HAHA!

EmoGworl: speak for yourself, emo💀

GenderfluidMirror: YOU'RE CALLING HIM EMO???

TokenStraight: wait fr? You have sex with Bucciarati?? I thought yall were fucking around!

EmoGworl: we are fucking around, yes. I just said that


HatGoesHahaFunny: second rule, we take our shoes off before entering the place

EmoGworl: Kay, I was NOT expecting THAT to be a constant rule around here💀

NoMilkIce: oi, we might be assassins but we have standards

IGotTheMilk: you're gonna take those gripper-keepers off before entering our home >:T

TokenStraight: or what? The emo-assassin-gay police will arrest us😭

IGotTheMilk: yeah and that's me, stop resisting!🔫

EmoGworl: wait what? You're not the owner of the apartment💀

HatGoesHahaFunny: he is.

Elsa: he is???

IGotTheMilk: I am.

GenderfluidMirror: wait what? I thought the contract was under your name, Riz?

HatGoesHahaFunny: no, it's under Gelato's
HatGoesHahaFunny: he bought the apartment for us

Mamalone: HE DID??

Cheese: WHAT


IGotTheMilk: because I never told you lol, besides, it doesn't matter. I figured it would be better. That way, if we lose the place, it will be under my name, and nobody else's

HatGoesHahaFunny: at the time, I tried to convince him not to, but he insisted so much, i thought he was gonna throw a tantrum 💀


IGotTheMilk: yeah! :>

Ham: three????

IGotTheMilk: yeah, one for me, another one for the apartment, and the other I'm sharing with Bet! Although... there's not much in each of them. We're like... you know, broke💀

Pesci: I learn something new everyday 😧

IGotTheMilk: I mean the contract is under my name, but Risotto is the Capo, so the expenses, the bills, and everything else is under his name

Cheese: I remember when it was just me, Gelato and Riz, and we spent an entire month looking for cheap apartments.

HatGoesHahaFunny: I barely slept that month💀

IGotTheMilk: and that's why you are going to take your shoes off before entering 🪂

TokenStraight: okaaaay.....? Anymore rules?

Elsa: yeah, if you go to the toilet after Formaggio, you better bring a fucking gas mask


HatGoesHahaFunny: IT IS

TokenStraight: IT IS

Elsa: IT IS💀

GenderfluidMirror: your ass is rotting away, buddy☹️

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