Mista In His Flop Era

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A/N: This chapter was based off a real YouTube video....... unfortunately......


"We Need A Free Day"

TheGoldenSucc: okay well, we were gone yesterday to watch the volleyball game, and left Mista home alone. Does that explain why the villa is TURNED UPSIDE DOWN????

DaMan: my friend, Giorno!
DaMan: I decided to pull a little prank on you😼

TheGoldenSucc: the day I decide to let you have a day for yourself, away from your duties as my bodyguard, is the day you massacre me.
TheGoldenSucc: just what did I ever do to you, besides PAYING you???

Pudding: babe, I was the one who edited the video. I suffered a LOT

TokenStraight: HE ALSO FILMED IT???

Girlboss: Mista is in his flop era everyone!

TheGoldenSucc: God I don't even wanna watch the video. You know how when you went to a restaurant once, somebody might've farted on your salad or pissed on your burger? Yeah, the problem comes when you KNOW IT. If you didn't see it, it didn't happen

Pudding: it very much happened... unfortunately I am the proof of that...
Pudding: you might not want to sleep on your bed, tonight

TheGoldenSucc: first of all, too late. That was yesterday
TheGoldenSucc: secondly, I can't tell if you're genuinely concerned, or you're just making an excuse for me to sleep in your room

Pudding: a bit of both tbh

Girlboss: anyways the video is so chaotic, even I felt sorry for Giorno

DaMan: no lol, it's fun

TheGoldenSucc: what the hell happened during the damn volleyball match.....

EmoGworl: anyways the video starts with Mista literally going through our kitchen, and eating as much as he can

TokenStraight: DUDE NOT OUR FOOD

DaMan: I was hungry

EmoGworl: but then he took the mayo bottle and wrote his name on the floor with it🧍‍♀️

DaMan: it's my revenge, cuz this blondie doesn't LIKE MAYO

TheGoldenSucc: correction: I like mayo. Not when you put it on the pizza or salad BECAUSE IT JUST TASTES LIKE MAYO AND CREAM
TheGoldenSucc: also, a small detail: that was not mayo.
TheGoldenSucc: we never bought mayo and brought it to the villa. Ever.

DaMan: then what the hell was that..?

TheGoldenSucc: it was probably vinegar, you idiot. HOW DID YOU WRITE YOUR DAMN NAME WITH IT AND DIDN'T REALIZE???

DaMan: ooooo that's why it smelled so bad afterwards... and why it looked gross...


TheGoldenSucc: oh you're laughing Trish?



TokenStraight: LMFAO

TheGoldenSucc: ohhhh I see, he laughs and farts...😃

DaMan: I'm a full package baby😏

EmoGworl: anyways, then it cuts to him going through your closet to steal your clothes

TheGoldenSucc: why would he want to steal my clothes..?

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