The Only No-No: Jotaro

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"Ghiaccio, you really need to stop calling the Boss names- ESPECIALLY "cretin"."

Ghiaccio groaned, "IT'S THE HABIT, I'M SORRY!"

But they understand where he's coming from. The group's given up on taking away Giorno's phone- since he can and will just buy a new one. But the kid's been on call with God-knows-who for almost half an hour.

They were supposed to have left the hotel 20 minutes ago, to go catch their flight back home. But no. Giorno decided that he needed to take this call. But it's okay, because he's Giorno. So everything can and will go the way he wants.

Now, they're patiently waiting for the blonde to go down to the lounge, so they can be off.

"I bet 10 euros it's Sheila E."

"Bullshit. It's definitely Squalo!"

"Tiziano." Trish muttered from the couch, as she typed away on her phone. She was determined to keep in touch with the girl she met at the beach.

"Tiziano isn't the one in charge of the calls. For all we know, it can be Cioccolata." Ghiaccio suggested.

"Him?? Please... he's even creepier than you are, Ghia. He won't call Don Giovanna like that."

Before the blue haired man could jump at Illuso, Giorno finally came down the stairs.

If it wasn't for his request for them to stay seated, they'd already be running outside.

"I just got a call from Sheila..," Fugo motioned for his friends to give him the 10 euros, "She says that I got an invitation. I'll spare you the details, but I'll be needing to travel to Japan due to family matters. And by that, I mean a man's birthday."

"Wha- Right now?!" Abbacchio's face turned to one of terror- almost falling off the couch.

"Yes, I'll be taking a different plane. You guys will go home by yourselves. Bucciarati," Said man turned to the blonde, "I'm counting on you to keep everything under control."

The ravenhead nodded in assurance.

"And Mista, if you don't mind, you'll be coming with me."

"Oh no! A trip to Japan! What am I gonna do?!" The brunette sang, dancing around the lounge.

"I'll take that as an 'okay'."

"Uhm..." Giorno looked at Trish, who gave him her phone. On the screen, there was the image of Mr. President, and by the shaky camera, he could easily tell that Sheila was the one pointing the phone at the turtle.

The blonde sighed, "Hey, Polnareff..."

Everyone groaned, Bruno signaling for them to start making their way outside.

"What's that story about going to Japan?! Have you forgotten that I'm your 'conseiller'??! I have a say in this!"

Giorno started making his way out the big doors of the hotel with the others, bags in hand.

"Anyways, I don't know why they suddenly decided to call you over, but your schedule is super busy this next week!"

"It's Jotaro's birthday! I bet you want to go, as well."

"I do, but that's irrelevant to the story!"

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