A Leap Of Faith

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"We Need A Free Day"

ZAWORUDO: I bring news, fellas

TokenStraight: are you finally going away???

ZAWORUDO: indeed. I have places to be

TheGoldenSucc: no you don't lmao💀

ZAWORUDO: well, I do have some fixing to do, that's for sure
ZAWORUDO: It's been fun, thank you for having me

MommyShark: anytime, Mr Brando


ZAWORUDO: I can take you with me if you want, Fugueto!

Pudding: it's Fugo.

ZAWORUDO: did you just talk back to me?😁

Pudding: no sir

EmoGworl: you quit talking shit old man, or I'll piss in your milk

TheGoldenSucc: so uh
TheGoldenSucc: do you plan on visiting?

Girlboss: hell naw, brother💀

MommyShark: Trish.

ZAWORUDO: maybe some day

TheGoldenSucc: you promised you'd come to visit from time to time

ZAWORUDO: yeah well, some stuff came up and I have to go
ZAWORUDO: but I'll be back, that's for sure

TheGoldenSucc: I'm sure you will

ZAWORUDO: I'll go pack my stuff now

TokenStraight: I already went ahead and did that! You're free to leave!😀

ZAWORUDO: thank you, Barancia

TokenStraight: it's Narancia.

ZAWORUDO: well then, I'll be going.
ZAWORUDO: remember son! Being smart doesn't get you bitches!

TheGoldenSucc: thanks, padre.

ZAWORUDO has left the groupchat.

TheGoldenSucc: I'll walk him to the door

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DaMan: we should throw a celebration party! With everyone the blonde-vampire-whore-thing has bothered!

EmoGworl: basically everyone


MommyShark: you guys do realize Giorno will see these texts right?

EmoGworl: LMFAO yeah and??

Pudding: and you're talking shit about his father
Pudding: on his back
Pudding: we all know how that ended the last time that happened

TokenStraight: I can still taste the carpet.....

DaMan: bro Giogio won't mind. He's very open about this kind of stuff

MommyShark: the last time you said that you had a massive argument with him and Fugo

DaMan: true BUT
DaMan: even Giorno admits how bothersome Mr Brando is

Girlboss: right, remember when we went to the beach last week?

Pudding: how could I forget

TokenStraight: w-what happened at the beach? I was gone for half of the day💀

DaMan: yeah cuz you decided you wanted to try and catch fish with your bare hands

MommyShark: I let you do that cuz it would be one less child to take care of

TokenStraight: GEE thanks

Girlboss: basically Mr Brando was in the water and called Giorno over

MommyShark: poor kid was so happy that his dad was trying to bond with him, he started swimming over to the man at the speed of light

EmoGworl: but everytime he came back up to breathe, Mr Brando was even further away from him

DaMan: so Giorno got mad and made a whole shark to swim over to him💀

TokenStraight: HELP

Pudding: btw I'll go clean my room now. See yall later

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MommyShark: I still remember the "manly" scream Mr Brando let out🗿

Girlboss: not to mention the bullying session that took place when Mr Brando found out Polnareff was in the turtle 💀💀

DaMan: the man has issues

MommyShark: point is, Giorno's trying to make things right with his dad, and Mr Brando is not helping

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TheGoldenSucc: he really isn't 💀
TheGoldenSucc: I mean he did say he was gonna try and find the rest of his sons but I think that was just his excuse to leave akshwjjs

MommyShark: I'm sorry things with him didn't work out that well, Giogio

TheGoldenSucc: don't sweat it. I knew they wouldn't. Just had a leap of faith

EmoGworl: at least you still have mama Bruno!

MommyShark: watch it, emo.

TheGoldenSucc: but hey! At least he recognized my existence!

DaMan: that's better than nothing

TheGoldenSucc: yeah!
TheGoldenSucc: but he did say he'd come back soon, probably in three months
TheGoldenSucc: he also told me to keep his private number, so that's something
TheGoldenSucc: he also gave me a hug
TheGoldenSucc: that made me happy😃

TokenStraight: aww that's great Giogio!

TheGoldenSucc: but I do still have Bucciarati!

MommyShark: I clearly won the lottery today😐

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