Not Melone Swimming In Money😭

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"Underpaid Team😨"

Mamalone: yall know the bar I work at?

Ham: no, you're just constantly bragging about how much you make🙄

Mamalone: yeah I need an opinion

HatGoesHahaFunny: what is it?

Mamalone: you know how this place is a strip club?

Pineapple: yes

Mamalone: and you know how I told you we were understaffed?

GenderfluidMirror: Melone, none of us will become a stripper, if that's what you want our opinion on

Mamalone: oh I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about me

Cheese: LMFAO


HatGoesHahaFunny: it's not like we can decide for you. Do whatever you want

Mamalone: I didn't ask you to decide, I asked for an opinion
Mamalone: the owner just came up to me while I was making an order, and offered me the job, and I said I'd think about it, but I'm not sure

Cheese: well I think you should, you're the most beautiful man alive

Mamalone: was that sarcasm?

Cheese: very much so

Mamalone: AW HECK🚶‍♂️

IGotTheMilk: where is Ghia in all of this?

Elsa: I'm here, why?

NoMilkIce: dude that's your boyfriend, you should also have an opinion on this, no?

Elsa: No? Why the hell should I? It's his job, his body, his cash. I don't have anything to do with it
Elsa: besides, mf already walks around half naked. Might as well profit from it

Cheese: well, when he got this job, he did say he wouldn't do everything the owner of the bar told him to, so...

Mamalone: that was sarcasm

Cheese: nah man, that was a whole lie💀

Mamalone: thing is, he gave me a choice, not an order. So I don't know if I should

GenderfluidMirror: I mean, why not? Do you see yourself doing it? Do you think it could be fun?

Mamalone: bro it would be fun, sure, but I'd have to learn pole dance, and that shit can HURT. Like I'm seeing a performance right now and I'm getting dizzy just by watching it
Mamalone: but I think I'd manage. I'd just work until 5 am, instead of 3

Ham: question, how much would you make?

Mamalone: bro depends, the clients will decide that
Mamalone: this girl, Loriana, she makes in average 300 per night. And don't get me started on the private dances, those things get you swimming in money


Mamalone: You have no idea. Once I stayed after closing time, cleaning, and the floor was PAINTED in money. You couldn't see the actual floor, you were steeping on PAPER

IGotTheMilk: HELP

NoMilkIce: GO GET EM MEL!!!

Mamalone: alright! I'll do it! I'll become a stripper!

HatGoesHahaFunny: I thought I'd never hear those words coming from you, but now that I did, it's actually quite average

Mamalone: HELL YEAH I'LL TALK TO MY BOSS WHEN MY SHIFT'S OVER!! Your boy's about to make BAAAAGS of money

Cheese: hopefully people will like you, cuz for that money to arrive, you need to know what you're doing💀

Mamalone: bro I respect the strippers so much, they're absolute kings and queens. I can't wait to try! This shall be fun

Ham: would you mind giving me a free entry some day? You have male strippers there right?

Mamalone: yeah like 2 of them💀 3 now if I get it HEHEHEHEHEH

HatGoesHahaFunny: I want a free entry too

Mamalone: bro I'm actually excited now! I've never been this excited since Ghia got his driver's license!

Cheese: dude the day he took all of us for a ride, I was scared for my life, are you kidding?

GenderfluidMirror: he kept shouting "SHOVE THE HEADLIGHTS UP YOUR ASS" at other people in the highway😭😭


HatGoesHahaFunny: anyways, I hope you have fun being a stripper Melone. See if you get me and Prosciutto those free entries

Mamalone: I don't think I can give you those, but I can try
Mamalone: unleessssss you wanna pay me? OwO

Elsa: did you just fucking OwO us???

Ham: fine we'll pay you, it's not like it's gonna make a difference

Mamalone: HELL YEAH MONEY!!!

GenderfluidMirror: but yeah if you do get that amount of money, it's gonna help you a lot. You'll finally stop being broke!

Mamalone: correction: it will help US a lot. We're a team, remember?

IGotTheMilk: awwww Mel!!!!

Elsa: ok that's cute

HatGoesHahaFunny: Melone, that's very nice of you.

Cheese: the fact that technically he's the one that makes the most money amongst all of us, is actually quite surprising💀

Mamalone: I'm gonna have high heels bigger than my will to live😭💕

NoMilkIce: I'm concerned for his mental health

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