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"Underpaid Team😨"

Elsa: I'm sorry, I was gonna keep this to myself, because I literally have nothing to do with it, but it's just so... menacing...
Elsa: Risotto, why is your bed placed in the center of your room? Like, it's literally NOT TOUCHING ANY WALLS!!! WHAT KIND OF PSYCHOPATH ARE YOU???



HatGoesHahaFunny: I move a lot during my sleep, and my figure is not exactly small. I don't want to disturb Pesci, Lu, and Mel, since their bedrooms literally surround mine. And our walls are very thin. Because we're poor.

Pineapple: awww that's so considerate of you Riz!!

Mamalone: it's also mad weird, but I'll let it slide this time

Ham: now that I think of it...
Ham: Risotto, you have a lot of weird habits
Ham: like you don't rip the toilet paper on the mark. You literally just rip it ANYWHERE

Cheese: you also have your chair in the center of our base LIKE WHY??? IS IT TOO MUCH WORK TO PUT IT AGAINST A WALL???

GenderfluidMirror: you also have your desk placed DIAGONALLY to the wall???? LIKE WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO ACHIEVE??

HatGoesHahaFunny: are we done with roasting my way of living MY life?

IGotTheMilk: no...


IGotTheMilk: you guys don't know this, but this is a thing Riz's been doing since I know him. He literally NEVER turns around when he enters an elevator. Like he just stands there. Hovering over people. Making eye contact.
IGotTheMilk: he also always bites half of the grapes, and then saves the other halves for later RIZ WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU

HatGoesHahaFunny: none of those are illegal, so what's the big deal?

Ham: I thought it was common sense?

HatGoesHahaFunny: so we're ignoring the fact that Melone used to squeeze the toothpaste directly on his teeth, before he brushed them?

Mamalone: correct: I USED to do that. I don't do it anymore, because I realized how stupid that is

Elsa: I'm sorry, you used to do what?!

Mamalone: doesn't matter😻

Elsa: dude I've been living with you since we were 4 I NEVER NOTICED YOU DOING THAT

Mamalone: I have my ways Ghia baby😽

HatGoesHahaFunny: can we FINALLY stop with the criticism??

IGotTheMilk: I have 5 other stories to tell.....

HatGoesHahaFunny: enough.

Cheese: Change of subject: Melone I have a question

Mamalone: ask away, partner

Cheese: how did someone like you managed to be the reason why someone like Ghia fell in love?


Mamalone: that's actually a great question, Ghia why do you like me?🧍‍♂️like what do you see in me that screams "boyfriend material"?💀 cuz even I am aware that I'm an idiotic horny piece of meat🗿

Cheese: fr💀

Elsa: it goes beyond that, you fucking neanderthal. I've known Melone since I was 4, I know stuff about him and his personality that you don't. I didn't fall for the piece of muffin he has instead of a brain. I fell for Melone because he is Melone and God damn it when did I become this cheesy??

IGotTheMilk: aawww look Sorbettttt our Ghia is in looveeeeeee

NoMilkIce: nawwwwwwww

Elsa: why do I always get into situations like these

Mamalone: awww Ghiaaaa that was sweeettt!!!!!! I LOVE YOUUUUU
Mamalone: by the way, why the question, Mag?

Cheese: oh I just wanted to know some of your tricks so I can conquer my crush's heart😼

Ham: he's not the best person to ask for romantic advice, Formaggio


GenderfluidMirror: oh no

Mamalone: when you want to conquer a lady's heart, you need to understand some rules☝️
Mamalone: first of all, any method to try to reason with her, will not work🧍‍♂️most of the time, people just want to be heard and feel understood!

Cheese: well, he's got a hell of a temper so I don't think that will be a problem. Is there anything I need to change in myself for him to like me?

Mamalone: NO


Mamalone: IF SHE DOESN'T LIKE YOU THE WAY YOU ARE, THEN SHE DOESN'T DESERVE YOU did you just refer to her as "he"???

Cheese: oh
Cheese: uh yeah it was a mistake sorry
Cheese: yeah, I hope she
Cheese: he
Cheese: she likes the way I am. I'm not in the mood to start using deodorant just because of her🙄

Pineapple: no my man, you should be using deodorant for yourself and everyone around you🗿

GenderfluidMirror: fr bro you stink💀

IGotTheMilk: btw I'll talk to you guys tomorrow, I need to go to sleep. You know cuz I'm gonna travel tomorrow 😼

Ham: we get it, you get money, we don't.

NoMilkIce: yeah I'm going too, tty guys tomorrow!

HatGoesHahaFunny: good night, you guys. And have a good trip, Gelato.

Mamalone: gnnn

Pineapple: have fun tomorrow!

Ham: good night


DM from IGotTheMilk to NoMilkIce.

IGotTheMilk: something smells fishy here, and it is our duty as these people's parental figures to figure out what🗿

NoMilkIce: agreed🗿
NoMilkIce: Formaggio's story has a lot of holes

IGotTheMilk: I think we can both agree on one thing

NoMilkIce: oh yeah definitely

IGotTheMilk: he likes Illuso
NoMilkIce: he likes Illuso

IGotTheMilk: obviously

NoMilkIce: I know right? It's so obvious. Lu used she/her pronouns last week, when Formaggio told us about his crush on him.

IGotTheMilk: But yesterday he asked us to start using he/him pronouns again and Mag did just that

NoMilkIce: why doesn't he just tell him how he feels?? People nowadays aren't as direct as they used to be😒

IGotTheMilk: fr why can't they be more like us and just say it?🙄

NoMilkIce: no matter, let him do it at his own pace. Sooner or later Illuso will realize it too

IGotTheMilk: yeah, you're right
IGotTheMilk: I'm actually going to sleep now, I'm tired

NoMilkIce: good night, love. I'll drive you to the airport tomorrow :)

IGotTheMilk: awwww thank you so much!!

NoMilkIce: a bird just shat on my window🗿

IGotTheMilk: beautiful🗿

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