Chapter 43 - Return to the Ruins

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"Sensei's right. Do not worry. Aris will protect Sensei no matter what happens." Aris declares.

I stare at her, a bit surprised for a moment, before chuckling at bit and reaching over the pat the robot girl's head. She pushes her head into my hand with a happy expression. "Sensei, are you with us?" She asks.

I pull my hand away. "Of course! We're a party, ain't we?" I ask with a smile.

Suddenly, a great big smile breaks out on Aris's face. "Bum bum bum! Sensei has joined the party!"

The green twin sighs. "Fine, fine! I get it already! Prepare to breach their ranks!"

The twins pull out their rifles while Yuzu pulls out her grenade launcher.

"All right, girls... Let's kick some ass!" I order with a grin. "Midori, Momoi. Stick close-ish to me. Yuzu, pelt them from mid-range. Aris, blast 'em from way back."

The four girls nod as they take in my orders.

The robots see us as we all rush at them from behind the rubble. They begin to fire their rifles at us, but I move.

Faster than they can see, I run right into their fire, dodging all bullets. Just before the edge of the alleyway, I hop and plant my feet against the wall and run along it, gaining some height, before I kick off of the wall, and slam my rifle's butt against one of their heads, knocking them to the ground and caving in its head with a sickening metallic crack. Two next to me get shot in the head by the twins, downing them for me to shoot them both again.

Always double tap. I've taken that to heart.

I crouch on the ground and shout "Aris! Yuzu!" After a moment, a grenade slams into a group of robots about to fire on me and explodes, destroying a few few of them. Almost immediately after, I hold my body to the ground as a strong gust of wind pushes my entire body forward, but because of my strength, I hold myself to the ground as my air and clothes flutter forwards. The projectile from Aris' railgun sails over my head harmlessly and drills another hole into the horde of robots.

"Midori, Momoi! Crowd control!" I shout, getting to my feet and stepping back. The twins step forward and ready their guns. Momoi fires a barrage of pink blasts, downing a number of robots and leaving burn marks on them. Midori uses more precision, firing green blasts from her sniper rifle, one at a time, taking down five more robots with precise headshots.

Looking around quickly, I remember the way to the factory we're going to this time. It's pretty much dead ahead. The one where we found Aris is way off to the left. Abruptly, even more robots pour out from the buildings. Like a lot.

"Whoa!" Momoi says.

"Oh crap." Midori says.

"Eek!" Yuzu squeals in fright.

"...Aris?" I ask.

"Yes, Sensei?" Aris asks back.

"Put yer gun on full power. I want a hole through them and the next few buildings." I say, serious as can be.

"Huh?!" Momoi shouts.

"Might wanna step back a bit~!" I say with a laughing tone, causing the twins and Yuzu to scramble behind Aris. I take a step back as I see Aris rotate a particular dial. The one used to regulate its max power, as the Engineering Club girls and explained.

Aris pulls the dial as fas as can go, the railgun begins to hum, just like it did when she first fired it into the roof of that the Engineering Club's building.

After a moment, the humming increases in volume and power, as I begin to feel it in by chest, like a super loud truck driving by. The other three girls take a few more steps back, but I stay put.

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