The Theme Park

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Kazuichis pov

"Nekumaru!" We rushed over to the beach with adrenaline pumping in our veins. Nekumarus alive! After all we've been through this news was definitely what we needed.

"Nekumaru!" We reached the beach, the cool sand rubbed against our ankles "nekumaru where are you!"

"What are you all yelling about?" We turned around and gasped. It can't be...

"What the heck happened to you!"

*Time skip*

I looked down at the theme park below us. It was so colourful, so vibrant, like a place bursting with fun.

"I don't think it" I muttered to myself.

"Neither do I but what choice do we have. It may be our only chance at getting home" mahiru said firmly.

"Alright everyone let's split up and search for clues. Oh it's just like an episode of my favourite detective show" sonia bounced around excitedly.

"Is she referring to scooby doo?" Chaiki whispered to me.

"I think so" I whispered back.

"I think she just became my new favourite person" her eyes sparkled. I chuckled softly. Chaiki sure is easily impressed.

We split up and looked around. It looked so similar to a regular theme park it was almost scary. I stopped at a castle that both monokuma and monomi were scared of but it didn't interest me so I snuck up and jumped on a now robotic nekumarus back.

"Your body is so fascinating nekumaru. Would you mind if I examined it a little. Please?" I flashed him my best puppy dog eyes.

"No means no kazuichi!" He picked me off his back and placed me down on my feet.

"Spoilsport" I pouted.

"Everyone" chaiki appeared "monokuma wants us to meet at the rollercoaster"

*Time skip*

"No" I stared up at the rollercoaster as fear shook every inch of my body "I am not getting on that death machine. No way no how!"

"But kazuichi it's the only way to get our prize" chaiki said softly "can't you swallow your fears for just a few moments"

"No!" I yelled.

"Alright I got this" without warning nekumaru picked me up and threw me over his shoulder! He walked over to the rollercoaster when mahiru stopped him.

"Put him down" she demanded "now!"

"R-right" he muttered, clearly scared off by her sharp tone.

I expected her to yell at me for being a baby but instead she took my hand and gave me a gentle smile "I get that your scared kaz but I really need you right now. Can you please be brave for my sake"

I sighed. I can't turn her down after that "ok"

"Thank you" she gently led me to the rollercoaster as my heart pounded in my chest. A few minutes. I just gotta last a few minutes!

*Time skip*

As soon as I exited the rollercoaster I ran to the bin on shaky legs to throw up. Chaiki was kind enough to rub my back.

"Well done you adorable little rebels" monokuma popped up with a big grin.

"Whatever *huff* you have *huff* for us better *huff* be worth it" I panted.

"Oh it certainly is. Tadaa!" He pulled out a booklet titled the history of hopes peak.

"Give me that" fuyuhiko snatched the booklet from him. We peered over his shoulder. All it said was that there was a killing game before this and we happened to notice that one of the survivors looked a lot like byakuya.

"So byakuya was in a killing game before. Wonder why?" Fuyuhiko muttered.

That is true. Why wouldn't he tell us something so important? Is he the traitor monokuma mentioned? I just don't know what to believe.

"Alright kids" monokuma butted in "if you want the second part of your prize follow me to the train station"

what if nagito got the knife (danganrompa what if series) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon