Fuyuhikos Change Of Heart

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Kazuichis pov

We looked up to see Fuyuhiko's big smile. It was kinda unsettling.

"Hey everyone. Keeping well I presume" he smiled warmly.

"I get a sense of dread from that smile" gundam shuttered.

"Give him a chance" I reasoned with him before turning to fuyuhiko. Is this the change I was hoping for?

"I've come to offer you all my apologies" he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly "I was being a stubborn jerk. I let my grief get the better of me. I feel so ashamed"

"It's fine fuyuhiko. I realise I didn't make things easy" mahiru said kindly.

"Well I'll meet you in the dining hall for dinner. I hope you'll accept me" he gave me one last bow before leaving.

"Wow he's really changed" I smiled softly. I guessed there's hope for everyone.

*Time skip*

"I'm so happy fuyuhiko came to his senses" I said as we walked to the dining hall together "it really feels like we're finally united"

"Don't be so sure" gundam growled "I don't trust that feind"

"Come on gundam you need to give him a little lean way" I reasoned with him "we don't want to scare him off again"

"Your kindness is admirable kazuichi but you should be more careful" chaiki said gently "I want to believe in fuyuhiko too but it's up to him to prove himself"

"I guess" I sighed. Please let this work out for him.

We stepped inside and was blinded by a huge explosion. I blinked a couple of times to find the hotel in rubble and fuyuhiko standing in the centre with a mad glint in his eye.

"Hehehe I can't believe you bastards fell for that apology crap. You bastards are dumber than you look!" He laughed cruelly.

"I knew you weren't to be trusted" gundam growled.

"Fuyuhiko why?" I couldn't hide the hurt in my voice.

"Sorry kaz. It's nothing personal, just business" he threw his arms out widely "what I didn't tell you was that one of the weapons in the final dead room was a bomb powerful enough to blow this island to high hell. Better pray to your gods cause in two days from now you'll be sent to hell where you belong" with one last laugh he took off running.

"Come back you bastard!" Akane tried to chase him down only for nekumaru to grab her arm.

"Not so fast akane" he said sternly "we need to find that bomb"

what if nagito got the knife (danganrompa what if series) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن