Sonia's Confession

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Kazuichis pov

"It was me! It was all me!" I couldn't believe it. Sonia nevermind, the kind and gentle princess, the girl I had a crush on was confessing to the most gruesome murder I've ever seen.

"Why?" Was all I could say. I wanted to ask so much more but this was all I could muster.

"I was so hungry" she hugged herself tearfully "it was all I could think about morning and night. After mahiru and kazuichis fight I got to think what would happen if I died. My kingdom and my people, what would become of them without me? When all these awful thoughts were running in my head teruteru showed up to confert me but all I could see was walking meat. I grabbed a pair of scissors and stabbed him in the throat. I don't much else, just the taste of blood and meat in my mouth"

"Dear god" mahiru covered her mouth in shock.

"I was appalled by my actions but there was no going back. So I took a page out of one of my favourite serial killers book and cut his body in half. I left the non eaten part out in the open and hid the other part away but you still figured me out. You're all so smart" she gave us a kind smile. The smile I fell in love with.

"I feel sick" I cupped my mouth as my stomach churned.

"Hold it in junior detective" fuyuhiko said harshly "we still need to vote her out"

"Wha-" the words caught in my throat. I have to execute her?

"You're not going soft on me are you?" He glared at me "she fucking ate someone. You're not just going to forget that are you?"

"N-no" I said quickly but I was struggling. I can't do this!

"Just do it pussy!" Fuyuhiko slammed his fist down.

"Leave him alone!" Mahiru demanded before turning to me with a gentle smile "I know this is hard for you kaz but I'm right here"

"Ok" I forced the words out before slamming my hand down on the voting button. As soon as I did a chain wrapped around her neck. I reached out to her as she was dragged away.

I watched as she was placed in a castle with a poison apple being placed in front of her. Outside her castle was being stormed by angry protesters. Her castle was even lit on fire! Out of options she took a bite out of the apple. She started foaming from the mouth and her eyes rolled to the back of her head before she collapsed dead...

what if nagito got the knife (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now