Fourth Trail

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Kazuichis pov

We all took our places at the stand once again. Teruteru. He didn't look like himself when we found him. There's no way I can forgive that!

"I know we normally start with the cause of death but... I have no idea where to start" mahiru looked to the side, distressed. I couldn't blame her. I could still see teruterus bloody torso when I closed my eyes.

"Teruteru.. his body was-" sonia burst into tears.

"It just doesn't make sense" I muttered to myself  "all the other murders were quick and seemingly painless. It just doesn't seem in character for one of us to kill someone so guresomely"

"Hahaha your seriously doubting if anyone here's capable of a murder on this scale" fuyuhiko laughed mockingly "I don't think you know these people as well as you think"

"And you do?" I shot him a glare.

"More than you know" he smirked.

"Hey maybe instead of stirring the pot you can tell us where you were all this time" mahiru said sternly.

"That's right, you didn't go up the elevator with the rest of us and yet you still appeared seemingly out of thin air. How'd you do it?" I pressed on.

"Hmm how do you think I got up here" he smirked. This again!

"The only thing I can think of is you found a secret passage" I muttered.

"Ding ding ding give the junior detective a prize" he chuckled "yeah I found a passage in the final dead room"

"You went in there!" Nekumaru yelled.

"I thought it would bring about some clues for the murder" he shrugged "but I did find something interesting when I emerged didn't I kazuichi"

"What is that feind babbling about" gundam shot me a look.

I sighed "fuyuhiko found the other half of teruterus body"


"Kazuichi please tell us everything" chaiki said urgently.

"He had chunks of flesh missing from his arm and stomach area. It was almost like he'd been.. eaten" I felt sick even remembering it.

"Are you serious?" Chaiki covered her mouth in shock.

"I was hungry but not that hungry!" Akane turned pale. I don't think I've ever seen her this shaken up.

"How do we know it's not you who satisfied your hunger with the flesh of our fallen comrade" gundam glared at him.

"Only one way to find out" he pulled out a swab test "we'll run these through everyone's mouth and see who comes up positive for human flesh-"


what if nagito got the knife (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now