The Funhouse

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Kazuichis pov

"Kazuichi... kazuichi... KAZUICHI!"

I jolted awake to come face to face with mahiru.

"You're awake. Oh thank god" she threw her arms around me only to immediately push away out of embarrassment "you shouldn't make a girl worry like that"

"Sorry" I scratched my head in embarrassment. How did I even pass out? Slowly it all came back to me. The train, the gas. We were taken out before we had a chance to struggle.

"Ah!" I stood up suddenly to find myself surrounded by green walls "where are we"

"That's what we'd like to know" fuyuhiko grumbled.

"We should search the place in groups" Sonia said determedly "gundam you're with me"

"Yes my dark queen" he nodded as they walked away.

"I'll be on my own. I don't need you bastards slowing me down" fuyuhiko walked away before we could stop him.

"Alright couch nekumaru you're with me" akane dragged him away which was impressive seeing as he was pure metal!

"Well chaiki I guess it's just you and me" teruteru wiggled his eyebrows.

"Alright" chaiki muttered reluctantly.

"Teruteru behave yourself" I warned him. After all I didn't know how chaiki could handle him.

"What you say handsome" he pinched my ass.

"Eep!" I yelped as he ran off "I need to get a restraining order against that guy" I grumbled before turning to mahiru "so I guess it's just you and me"

"Yeah though I bet you'd rather be with your miss Sonia" she nudged me playfully.

"I think I'm over her now" I said slowly.

"Really?" She looked up in surprise.

"I don't want to be that guy who chases after a girl who isn't interested. I think being with you taught me that" I smiled at her.

"Kazuichi" she blushed slightly. We stared at each other for a moment when.

"Can I stay with you guys" chaiki popped in between us "teruterus proving to be... Challenging"

"Oh course chaiki. We wouldn't leave you with that pervert" mahiru hugged the girl "come on gang. Let's find the exit already!"

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