The Execution

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Kazuichis pov

"Yes it was me who wrote the note. It was me who placed the knife and finally it was me who dealt the finishing blow to dear old hajime"

He gleefully confessed to everything with a smile on his face. I don't believe this. How could he be so happy with so much blood on his hands!

"Why" my fists trembled in rage "I don't understand why. What possible reason could you have for killing a friend"

"It could have been the missing memories motive but somehow I think that was the farthest thing from his mind" chaiki muttered.

"You're oh so right chaiki" he chuckled "I cared little for my missing memories. After all what difference would useless trash like me make to the world. No I did all of this for you"

"How could any of this possibly be for us!" I screamed.

"To bring out your true hope of course" he said brightly "hope can only truly grow in the mist of tragedy. If you suffer a loss or undergo some kind of traumatic situation and make it out alright then your hope grows ever stronger. Don't you see? This killing game is perfect for bringing out your true talent-"


He stumbled back as my fist connected with his face "shut up shut up! I don't want to hear any more of your crap"

"You tell him little man" akane cheered.

"Tell me was it worth it" I glared at him with tears in my eyes "was it worth it killing him!"

"Absolutely" he said without hesitation "don't get me wrong hajimes death is a great loss. He died before he could remember his talent but at least his death can elevate your hope"

"I swear if he says hope one more time" akane growled.

"And I will now act as a stepping stone for you all. There's nothing else I'd be useful for" he drolled.

"And the killing school life thanks you for your sacrifice" monokuma grinned "let's give it everything we've got itttts punishment time!"

A chain wrapped around his neck and dragged him off into a fiery pit. He was pinned down as fire licked at his clothes and skin but yet he kept smiling. That is until the window closed over. We got one look at his horrified face before the execution was blocked...

what if nagito got the knife (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now