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Kazuichis pov

*Knock knock*


*Knock knock knock*



"Gah" I jumped up at the sound of continuous knocking. Who could that be? No one ever comes to my door at this time? I opened the door to find...

"Chaiki!" I gasped. I mean she's supposed to be dead.

"Head to the dining room kazuichi. The others have found something important" she flashed me one last smile before disappearing. I rubbed my eyes. Am I going crazy?

I headed to the dining hall as instructed to find the others sitting in a circle.

"What's going on here?" I tilted my head in confusion "has gundam talked you all into cult activity?"

"Very amusing sharp tooth one" gundam shot me a playful glare "if you must know I found a laptop while enjoying a walk with the dark queen. We believe it will be beneficial to us"

"So everyone else can see them. Maybe I'm not going crazy" I chuckled to myself as I took a seat with them "ok let's see what we've got!"

They opened the laptop and we were greeted by fuyuhiko "greetings. I honestly don't know why I'm making this video. If everything goes according to plan you'll all be dead except for one lucky bastard but if my plan failed then oh well. In a way what your going to find in those ruins will be worse than death. Type in the password 11307. Good luck" with that the monitor switched off.

"I guess we better give it a go" nekumaru muttered.

"Are you sure we sure trust what that feind says? This could be a ruse to get us killed" gundam growled.

"We don't have a choice" mahiru said urgently "We're running out of time"

Out of options we headed to the ruins.

"Hey" I heard a fermillier voice behind me, a voice I knew all too well.

"Hey hajime" I looked back at the boy's gentle smile.

"You've been doing great kazzy. Honestly I didn't think you could handle the pressure but now I believe you can go all the way" he winked at me before fading away.

"Thanks hajime" I smiled softly before heading over to type in the password. I could feel everyone's presence behind me, kinda like they were cheering us on. Once the password was typed in the doors opened and our friends faded away.

We turned to each other, nodded and stepped inside...

what if nagito got the knife (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now