the truth about us

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Kazuichis pov

We all took our places at the stand for hopefully the final time. The final trail and this time it's about the mystery of this strange island and why we were chosen for this twisted game. It's either we find the truth or we all die. It's now or never!

"Before we begin this trail I've got one question. What the heck is this place!" Mahiru exclaimed "glitchy walls, disappearing rooms. It's like we're in some sort of video game!"

"Maybe we are" I muttered.

"Kaz this is no time for jokes" mahiru said sternly.

"Hear me out" I pleaded before continuing "I found some clues that suggests that we're in some kind of virtual world. Not to mention some pictures of us looking a lot older"

"No way. That's just not possibllle" nekumaru yelled.

"There more" I narrowed my eyes.

"There's more!" Akane yelped.

"I found some manga written my monokuma" I explained "they detailed the tragedy of hope's peak. It mentioned a guy called izuru Kamakura and his part in helping junko spread despair across the globe"

"Such a person couldn't possibly be human. He must have been a demon passing by our realm" gundam muttered to himself.

"According to one manga he led a group known as the remnants of despair and pushed almost every reserve course student to commit suicide" I grimaced.

"Someone like that could definitely be our mastermind" mahiru growled.

"Hmm your both right and oh so wrong" monokuma said cheerly.

"The heck dose that mean?" Akane tilted her head.

I didn't say anything. I was lost in thought.

"You look as if you wish to say something sharp tooth one. Go ahead! I will allow it" gundam smirked.

"Thanks?" I raised an eyebrow before continuing "I was just thinking if all the reserve course students committed suicide then why was hajime still alive?"

"What does hajime have to do with this?" Nekumaru asked.

Oh yeah they didn't find the book like me and chaiki did. I should probably explain "me and chaiki found a book of information about us in fuyuhikos room"

"Of course that creep had something like that" mahiru growled.

"The book detailed our names and talents" I explained "thanks to that we discovered that byakuya was an imposter and hajime never really had a talent. He was just a reserve course student"

"Oh my gosh" mahiru said "but then why was he put alongside the other ultimates? And how'd he survive the fate of the other students"

"How about a clue" monokuma chimed in "izuru wasn't a normal teen. He was a creation of hope's peak itself"

"A creation of hope's peak" I thought to myself. Now that I think about it hajimes memory was a lot worse than the rest of ours. Could it be?

"Something on your mind again Sharp tooth one?" Gundam raised an eyebrow.

"No it can't be, it's too crazy" I shook my head.

"Crazier then being stuck in virtual reality?" Mahiru raised an eyebrow.

"Well I was just wondering if hajime could have been turned into izuru?" I asked"It would explain why his memory was so jumbled up"

"Not bad kazzy" monokumas button eye lit up "your absolutely correct. Hopes peak used their own twisted desires to transform hajime hinata into the soulless husk of izuru Kamakura"

"That's horrible. Poor hajime" mahiru teared up.

"But seeing as hajime was killed from the start he couldn't have been our mastermind. So who is it!" nekumaru yelled.

"I'd be happy to show you"

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