second motive

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Kazuichis pov

Today's been a rough day. First fuyuhiko tears a big hole in my self confidence then we find a hidden ruin that looks a little too much like hope's peaks then we hear we were taken here by a terrorist group known as world ender and now monokumas called us here for a secret meeting.

"How could this get any worse" I muttered to myself.

"We're about to find out" mahiru sighed.

"Aww you all came. It's enough to warm an old bear's heart" monokuma sniffled.

"Oh stuff it! We were forced to come here" I growled.

"And my heart's gone cold again. Oh well" he sighed "now I don't feel like giving you kids my presents"

"That's fine. Who wants a present from you anyway" I said as I walked away. The others began to follow suit when...

"Wait wait wait!" Monokuma waved his paws about desperately "fine you kids twisted my paw. May I present to you twilight syndrome" he pulled off the sheet revealing an arcade game.

"A real arcade" chaikis eyes lit up "what does it play? RPG? First person shooter?"

"It's a mystery game that I invented myself" he said proudly.

"Oh" all the excitement she previously had died down immediately "I haven't even played it yet and I still feel like you've tainted the series"

Monokuma let an offended gasp "how dare you and after all the work I put into this game. Indie developers don't get the respect they deserve" with a sad sigh he disappeared.

We stared at the arcade machine weary. Should we really play something so clearly dangerous?

what if nagito got the knife (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now