Double Murder

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Kazuichis pov

"Wake up sharp tooth one!"

I was jolted awake by gundam who was looking uncharacteristically shaken up.

"What's going on gundam?" I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

"There's been a murder" I froze at his words "from what I heard there's been two casualties"

"Well what are we waiting for" I jumped to my feet "let's go now!"

*Time skip*

"It lies just behind this door" gundam said calmly "have you prepared yourself for the horrors that await you"

"Yeah yeah I'm more than capable of handling a dead body at this point" I muttered as I threw open the door. Still I wasn't ready for what was truly behind those doors...

Tied to the post was byakuya's body and hanging from a long noose was Ibuki's body.

I stepped towards the body of my former friend "ibuki?" My body began to tremble. Her words came back to me.

"Thanks for the idea kazzy. Ibuki always wanted an excuse to throw a party"

"Kazuichi you're shaking" mahiru placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Ibuki" my voice cracked under the pressure "she's-"

"I know" she pulled me into a hug "I feel so guilty. If only I got here sooner"

"What do you mean?" I pulled away.

"I got a video from the monitor of ibuki trying to hang herself" she explained "I ran as fast as I could but I was too late" her voice trailed off.

"That can't be right" I muttered to myself. Looks like we got another mystery on our hands...

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