Fuyuhikos Different

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Kazuichis pov

"Hi my name is fuyuhiko. It's very nice to meet you all. I hope we can all become good friends in the future"

I stared in disbelief. Fuyuhiko who just a couple of days ago seemed allergic to social confrontation was actually giving us a proper introduction. I think this is the first one he ever gave us. I was about to welcome him over when-

"Is this a joke" Mahirus sharp tone cut through the air like a knife "you think you can just join our little group like nothing happened. don't forget your little vengeance campaign got both hiyoko and peko killed"

Fuyuhiko froze in place, his eyes widening before he suddenly collapsed, a pool of blood appearing around him.

"His stomach wounds have been open for a while" mikan said shakily "maybe he planned this? Fulfill Peko's final wish before dying"

"We have to get him to the hospital!" Nekumaru yelled urgently.

"I can get him patched up but we have to hurry!" With that they rushed over to the hospital, leaving me and mahiru alone.

"How could you do that" my fists were shaking with rage "he was getting better and you cut him down like his feelings didn't matter!"

"He killed hiyoko-"

"No he didn't peko did!" I snapped "she saw herself as a tool till the very end. The least we can do is treat her like a human who can make her own choices" I turned my back on her "I'm going to check on fuyuhiko. When you decide to stop blaming him for everything I suggest you come too"

With that I took off to the hospital...

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