picking a swimsuit/beach day

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Kazuichis pov

"I think this will fit" I muttered as I fitted on some pink trunks with yellow pineapples. I was going to grab the Speedos but one look from mahiru told me that was a bad idea.

"Not a bad look" I turned around and gasped. Mahiru was wearing the prettiest white bikini with blue stripes.

I must have been staring cause she started to cover herself with a blush "take a picture it'll last longer"

"Good idea" I snatched her camera and wrapped an arm around her "say cheese" I pressed the button and the picture was taken.

I handed her the camera but she simply stared at it "is something wrong?"

"No it's just.. I've never taken a picture of myself" she muttered.

Oh I didn't even think she would be camera shy "it's fine you don't have to keep it"

"No I love it" she smiled softly at the photo "ok let's get going. If we stand here any longer people might get the wrong idea"

"Right" I nodded as I followed her down to the beach. Still I couldn't help but think how nice her smile was.

*Time skip*

"Take that!" I splashed her.

"Oh you are so going to pay for that!" She pouched on me, dragging me into the water. We laughed and splashed each other, just happy that everything was normal again when-

"I should have known you'd eventually try and bag her kazuichi you sly dog" we looked over to see teruterus turned on face "doing it on the beach is a bold move. You have my respect!"

"Teruteru that's not what's happening" my face turned beat red. Mahiru however had murder in her eyes.

"I'm going to kill you!"

"Eep" he took off running into the beach house with mahiru hot on his trail. I doubled over laughing at them. That is until I heard...

"A body has been discovered!"

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