a dead body

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Kazuichis pov

I rushed into the beach house, my mind racing. No this has to be a mistake. Please let this be a mistake! I threw the doors open to find the dead body of one hiyoko syionji.

"Hiyoko" mahiru held her lifeless hand, her body shaking with heavy sobs. I placed my hand on her shoulder in an attempt to confert her.

Soon everyone else arrived. The room was filled with a stuffy silence. That is until chaiki spoke up.

"I understand this is a terrible situation for everyone but that's more reason why we should begin the investigation. Murder should never be forgiven"

"Damn right" mahiru stood up with angry tears "whoever did this is going to pay. Come on kazuichi!"

"You're useless. You only won last time cause nagito made it easy!"

I shook my head "you go on ahead. I'll catch up" I ran off before anyone could stop me.

As soon as I got outside I collapsed against a wall breathing heavily. Useless I'm so useless! Why can't I do anything right!

"Ok what's going on?" I looked up to see mahirus stern face. I knew there was no point lying to her.

"I can't do this mahiru! I can't handle everyone relying on me because the truth is I'm no good at solving mysteries. I'm just relying on dumb luck and eventually it's going to get everyone killed!" I was hyperventilating at this point.

"Kazuichi what are you talking about?" She placed a hand on my shoulder "You're the one who busted the nagito case wide open"

"But fuyuhiko said-"

"Who cares what that jerk says" mahiru said sternly "I believe in you and your skill. Isn't that enough?"

"Yes it is" I nodded greatfully "I think I can do this as long as I have your support"

"You have my support all the way" she gave me a thumbs up.

I nodded as I headed back to the crime scene...

what if nagito got the knife (danganrompa what if series) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz