Fuyuhikos Cruelty

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Kazuichis pov

"Wow this place sure is massive" I muttered as I looked around the island. Mahiru chuckled beside me.

"Well this is a whole other island kazuichi" she giggled.

"Yeah I guess it is" I smiled softly at her reaction. When I first met mahiru I thought she was rude and bossy but I now see she's a lot sweeter than she lets on. I can see us becoming real friends.

"Hey look a restaurant" I pointed excitedly "let's go order some junk food!" I grabbed her wrist and dragged her in before she could protest.

"Honestly kazuichi is now really the time?" Mahiru groaned.

"Come on mahiru" I tried to reason with her "we missed out on breakfast so it's perfect! Some food might fix your grumpy mood"

"What was that!"

"Nothing" I put my hands up in defence. Our moment was cut off by the sound of a moving chair. We looked up to see fuyuhiko with a burger in his hand.

"Hey dude" I waved nervously. Me and fuyuhiko don't exactly get along. Heck I don't think he gets along with anybody but I should still try and keep the peace.

"Tch" he turned his nose at us "and here I was hoping to get some peace from you bastards"

"It's a free country" I laughed nervously.

"Yeah, shame about that" he sighed as he placed his burger down "what are you bastards doing here anyway? I thought you'd be enjoying breakfast all buddy buddy"

"I don't see how that's any of you bus-"

"We needed some time alone" I cut mahiru off, the last thing we need is an argument "I'm sure you understand after what happened last night"

"No I don't" he said bluntly "cause unlike you I don't mourn those bastards. Nagito was a loose cannon who's better off dead and hajime was a idiot who got too close to the wrong people. Nothing to mourn there except a waste of time"

I clenched my fists angrily "I know you don't mean it but you're still terrible for saying that"

"Don't go analysing me bastard!" He spat "you wouldn't have been able to do jackshit if nagito hadn't made his crime so fucking obvious. You're fucking useless without someone holding your hand" I jolted back at his words. Is that true?

"That's enough" mahiru stepped in "I'm not going to stand here and let you insult him. If you only plan to run your mouth then I suggest you leave"

"Don't tell me what to do bitch!" He growled.

"Then do something about it" she stood her ground without a hint of fear.

He glared at her, trembling with rage before lowering his gaze "what a waste of fucking time" he grumbled as he left.

"I think I lost my appetite" I sighed.

"Me too" she patted my arm kindly "come on let's get out of here"

We were about to step outside when chaiki appeared "Will you two accompany me to the hidden ruins"

what if nagito got the knife (danganrompa what if series) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora