who's the traitor?

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Kazuichis pov

We all took our places at the stands. Mysterious death of the person who did nothing but toy with us. I wanted nothing more than to save him from himself but it seems it was hopeless from the start. Still I need to weed the traitor out for his sake!

"So he burnt to death. How cruel" nekumaru sighed.

"I know I hated the guy but I didn't want him to die, especially not like this"  akane rubbed the back of her neck.

"Speaking of that gundam had some information about the burns" I brought up.

"Gundams an expert on burns?" Mahiru questioned.

"Indeed. I've treated many animals who've suffered from vicious hellfire caused by careless mortals" gundam grumbled "anyway the small one was covered in burns but that wasn't the oddity. I was more fascinated by how quickly the fire spread across his body"

"That's right. It did seem to kill him too quickly" mahiru muttered.

"Maybe he was already dead" akane suggested.

"No don't you remember how he screamed when we opened the door" I reminded her "he must have been lit when we walked through the door"

"Then how did the fire spread so quickly?" Nekumaru asked.

"My best guess is gasoline" I muttered to myself "but it still doesn't make sense. How he got covered in gasoline, how he got lit on fire when the lighter was by the door-"

"Oh that must have been the cut-outs!" Mahirus eyes lit up "they lead to the body right? So the killer must have lit the cut-outs and led them straight to fuyuhiko"

"That would explain the burnt cut-outs but why would the killer go through all that trouble?" I scratched my head in confusion "and on top of that why would fuyuhiko just sit there and wait to be lit on fire? He wasn't chained down or anything so-" I stopped as an idea hit me "it can't be"

"What? What are you thinking kaz" nekumaru leaned in desperately.

"Could fuyuhiko have killed himself?" I forced the words out.

"It makes sense but why would he do such a thing?" Chaiki asked.

"Perhaps it was to reclaim his lost honour" gundam chuckled darkly.

"Or he hoped to kill us all in some twisted revenge" mahiru growled.

"So that's it. Fuyuhiko killed himself? We can go home without sacrificing anyone" nekumaru said hopefully.

"I'm not so sure" gundam muttered "think sharp tooth one, how did the fire start?"

"Well the door was difficult to open" I muttered as the realisation hit me "the cut-outs could have fallen like dominoes once the door opened and caught on fire once they hit the lighter"

"But that means the blackened is.." mahiru stopped, she couldn't force the words out.

"Chaiki" I whispered.

She was barely fazed as she gave us a gentle smile "I hadn't realised but I guess that's the case. You guys are so smart"

"Chaiki" she covered her mouth as tears pricked her eyes.

"Would you look at that kazzy you were right all along" monokuma chimed in "Fuyuhiko's killer really was the traitor!"

"What?" I stared at her in disbelief. She wasn't denying it. This is too much.

"I must thank you kids. I've been meaning to get rid of the traitor for some time now" monokuma grinned.

"Hold on wasn't that feind supposed to be working for you?" Gundam inquired.

"I never said that! In fact that traitor has been a pain since day one!" Monokuma growled.

"That means the traitors..on our side?" Mahiru muttered in disbelief.

"That's right" chaiki turned to us determinedly "when the time comes please remember that future foundation is on your side"

"Let's give it everything we've got! Iiiiiits punishment time!"

what if nagito got the knife (danganrompa what if series) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें