teruterus idea

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Kazuichis pov

"A beach party?" I raised an eyebrow at mahirus explanation.

"Yeah sonia invited me and I thought it would be nice to have some girl time" she smiled.

"Some quality time with miss Sonia. Lucky" I sighed.

"Better luck next time Romeo" she ruffled my hair before walking away.

"Ohh What's this I hear" teruteru perked up.

"Oh no" I muttered to myself as he hopped over to me.

"The girls are having a beach party huh. Interesting very interesting" he chuckled menacingly.

"What are you hinting at?" I growled.

"Now no need to be ansty my handsome friend. This could benefit both of us" he winked at me.

"Alright I'll bite" I took a seat.

"Alright picture this" he paced about excitedly "a beach setting, beautiful girls in swimsuits and two of us enjoying the view"

"Dude we weren't even invited and you're the perviest guy on the planet. There's no way they'll let you anywhere near them" I shook my head.

"Yes but what they don't see won't hurt them" he smiled devilishly "we'll hide behind the palm tree and watch as they get their suntan on" his nose began to bleed.

"As nice as it would be to see miss Sonia's beautiful skin I have to stand down" I folded my arms "Mahirus my friend and I don't want to perve on her with you"

"That's fair" he shrugged "I don't want to ruin any relationship you have with mahiru. I guess I have to be a lone ranger"

"Wow dude that was really cool of you" I smiled softly.

"Anything for you sweetcheeks" he slapped me on the ass before running away.

I stood there as my face turned beat red. I guess it's my fault for being friends with a sexual deviant!

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