future foundation appears

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Kazuichis pov

Monokuma disappeared into a sea of smoke and emerging from the smoke like a mighty titan was...

"Junko fucking enoshima!" The girl flashed a deranged smile.

"But aren't you supposed to be dead?" Mahiru muttered in disbelief.

"And why are you so fricking huge!" I yelped.

"Yes. I was killed tragically before I could reach my true goal" she suddenly got depressed.

"I doubt losing such a demonic entity would be considered a tragedy for anyone" gundam smirked.

"But you are were" she perked up "after all you admired me sooo much!"

"Da hell dose that mean!" I yelled.

"Ah ah not now. I'm waiting for the real main cast, not you chumps" she waved her hand dismissively.

"Did she just call us chumps!" Akanes nostrils flared angrily.

"What do you mean by main cast" as soon as the question left Mahirus mouth a blinding light appeared, leaving three strangers in its place.

"Yay mokoto, kyoko and byakuya are here"  junko bounced excitedly.

"Shut up" byakuya shut her down.

"You" I locked eyes with the short boy "your the one I chatted to. The one who gave me that warning"

"Ah I'm glad it got through" he smiled softly "I'm mokoto neagi and me and my friends are members of future foundation. We're here to help you"

"Really?" Junko tilted her head "but I thought future foundation extiguses despair. What would you want to help these chumps for"

"She called us chumps again" akane growled.

"Settle down akane" nekumaru said sternly before turning to mokoto "what does she mean by you'd want nothing to do with us"

"We should tell them the truth mokoto" the violet haired girl said calmly.

"I know" he took a deep breath before turning to us "the truth is you were placed in here by us to protect you against future foundation"

"Why would future foundation want to hurt us?" I asked shakily.

"They wanted to execute you... for crime's against humanity" he sighed.

"What do you mean crimes against humanity!" Mahiru yelped.

"Those stories about remnants of despair...it can't be" I thought dawned on me but there's no way it can be true.

"Ding ding you got it kazzy boy" junko cheered "the remnants of despair...are you bitches!"

"That can't be" nekumaru muttered.

"Oh you did all kinds of terrible things in my name" she started to drool "murder, betrayal, torture, arson. Some of you even cut yourself for my amusement" she eyed me.

"Stop it!" I screamed.

She scanned me before grinning "oh sweet little kazzy you were always my favourite. The way you built those execution machines was devine"

"What" was all I could manage to say.

"Hah you're a murder. No wonder future foundation want you dead!"

"Dead" my voice was bearly a whisper. I'm a mass murderer who once I leave will most likely be executed. This is hopeless. After all we've been through we're stuck here?

"Don't give up!"

I opened my eyes to find myself floating in a room full of darkness with hajime in front of me.

"Hajime what's going on?"

"What's going on is your giving up too easily" he leaned forward "you have to get the others to leave this place"

"What's the point" I looked away tearfully "most of my friends are dead, my family's gone and I'm not even who I thought I was. I can't go back when my whole world has changed"

"Yes you can" he said firmly "kaz I've seen what you can do when you're forced to face your fears and it's incredible. Don't you remember what chaiki said? In the worst of times you can trust future foundation and if you can't trust them then trust yourself and the future you'll carve"

"The future I'll carve. I like the sound of that" I grinned "thanks hajime. I think I know what I have to do now" with that he faded away and I was back with the others "we have to go back"

"What are you saying!" Gundam gasped.

"This isn't the end for us. We can still carve our own future together!" I said firmly "I know it's scary. We don't know what's waiting out there for us but I believe in what we can do together"

The four of them stayed silent until mahiru spoke up.

"I'm scared but..if you think we can handle this then I'll believe in you" she smiled sweetly.

"Fuhaha the world isn't rid of gundam Tanaka just yet" gundams eyes shone as he laughed.

"There's so many people I want to help, struggling kids just like me. So I can't give up, not yet!" Nekumaru said determedly.

"Alright! Let's do this!" Akane bumped her fists together.

With one last nod of solidarity we pressed the button.

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