The Despair Disease

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Kazuichis pov

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as I headed down to the dining hall. The party could have gone better but despite fuyuhikos attitude we still had fun. That is until akane decided to challenge monokuma, forcing nekumaru to jump in and save her. I sure hope the big guy's alright.

"Waaah" I heard a loud sobbing coming from inside the dining hall. I went upstairs and was shocked to find it was akane.

"Nekumarus sacrifice must have been harder on her than I thought" I felt a guilty pang for not realising it sooner "akane I know it's hard but you're not alone. We're all in this together" I reached out to confert her only to be stopped by mahiru.

"Wait" she reached out and touched her forehead "she's burning up"

"She's not the only one" mikan burst in "ibuki and teruteru have the same symptoms. I-its like nothing I've ever seen before"

"Ah I see you've found my despair disease" monokuma popped up.

"What is a despair disease? Another one of your motives I presume" byakuya narrowed his eyes at the bear.

"Aww byakuya you know me so well" monokuma blushed? "This island is inhabited by several insects invisible to the naked eye and they carry the despair disease. The symptoms varies from person to person and it's very contagious so I'd be careful not to catch it" he let out a final laugh before leaving.

"We have to get them to a hospital" mikan said firmly. We nodded and helped everyone to the hospital.

*Time skip*

Once we reached the hospital mikan went inside to tend to the sick. We all agreed that we shouldn't stay since there's a chance we could get infected but we didn't want to leave them alone either so we agreed to stay in the old motel. Now we just needed to pick who stays behind.

"I'll stay" I volunteered myself.

"No. Your skills are far too useful for you to be stuck here" mahiru said firmly.

"Agreed. I'll stay behind. I'd rather not be cooped up with you bastards longer than I need to be" fuyuhiko muttered.

"I'll stay too" mahiru insisted "you and mikan will need extra help and I'm good with people"

"Suit yourself" fuyuhiko huffed.

"Good luck to both" I nodded greatfully as I left the hospital with the others. Please let them be ok.

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