Nagitos Looking Suspicious

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Kazuichis pov

I looked around taking in each face, every ficker of guilt in hopes I could get a lead. After my deduction with peko everyone decided I should take the lead. The only problem is I have no other leads!

"Hey kazuichi remember that weird thing we encountered" nagito smiled knowingly.

I tilted my head to the side. What's he talking about-

"I don't know anything Mr souda so I suggest you leave me alone!"

"Ah!" I gasped as the realisation hit me like a ton of bricks "byakuya you were acting weird during the investigation. Like you were hiding something"

"Whatever are you talking about kazuichi" byakuya shook his head "it's clear we made a mistake placing our trust in a mere mechanic" I flinch back at his insult.

"That's not very nice byakuya" chaiki said with unusual fierceness "you shouldn't look down on someone cause of what they do. Given the chance kazuichi could surprise us all" she gave me a kind smile.

I nodded greatfully before continuing "it also occurred to me that night vision goggles are hard to hide. Their too big and bulky to hide in your clothes"

"Kazzy makes a good point" ibuki muttered.

"Then how'd the killer hide them? Did they hide it in their special place" teruteru's nose started to bleed.

"Uhh no" I muttered awkwardly. How does he get off on saying that kind of stuff! "If you guys remember someone here had a case they carried everywhere with them"

"Gah" byakuya let out a sound before he could stop himself.

"Hey that's right. Byakuya could have easily hidden some night vision goggles in there" nekumaru gasped.

"And why else would he have them unless he was planning this!" Mahiru glared at him.

For a brief moment his face was twisted in shock and disbelief before he broke into a smirk "Hehe it seems I underestimated you kazuichi. Fine I'll tell you everything"

I folded my arms, waiting for his explanation.

"First thing this morning I was threatened by a note, claiming that a murder would happen today" he pulled out a note that said just that "I couldn't let that happen so I organised a party to keep everyone in the one place"

"Why couldn't you have just told us?" Sonia asked.

"And risk causing a panic? I think not!" He scoffed "anyway I thought the killer may still try something so I brought along the night vision goggles. As soon as the blackout hit I put them on and immediately saw someone reaching under the table for a knife. I tried to stop them but failed. I'm so ashamed" he looked down in shame.

"Who was it? Who was reaching under the table" I asked desperately.

"I'm afraid I'm not sure. The night vision goggles aren't that clear" he sighed.

"So we're back to square one" hiyoko went pale.

No this can't be the end. there's gotta be a clue to their identity- wait!

"Mahiru can I see those pictures"

"Uhh sure" she said, a little startled by my sudden request.

I scanned through the photos and my heart sank "nagito you're the one closest to the table"

"Huh?" He gave an amused laugh "kazuichi that's just a coincidence"

"But you also cleaned the old house" mahiru jumped in "you would have had an opportunity to hide the knife"

"That's also a coincidence" he said quickly.

"The cord" chaiki said quietly.


"You could have used the cord to guide yourself to the knife" she said calmly "one coincidence would be fine but add them together and it looks much more deliberate"

He was frozen in disbelief, his eye twitching. I sighed.

"Nagito if you can prove me wrong then please do. I don't want to believe that someone who spent so much time with hajime could have killed him" I looked at him desperately but all he did was..


"How wonderful! The ultimates are working together" his eyes were twisted with madness "ah it's all I ever wanted and more! My plan went perfectly"

I stared at him in disbelief. He just admitted it!

what if nagito got the knife (danganrompa what if series) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang