The Class Trail

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Kazuichis pov

We all took our place at the stand. This is it. The moment where I either avenge my friend or send us all to a premature death. Here goes nothing!

"So where do we start, ibukis a little confused" ibuki scratched her head.

"Well isn't it obvious. We gotta start with the cause of death" nekumaru yelled with his usual boisterous energy.

"Excellent point nekumaru" nagito grinned "well mikan? What can you tell us?"

"Eep" mikan jumped as the attention was suddenly shifted onto her.

"He asked you a question pig bark" hiyoko said cruelly "make yourself useful for once in your pathetic life"

"Ok" she teared up. I feel bad for the poor girl "well the autopsy revealed that he was killed by a kitchen knife or at least something similar to it"

"Wow that was so helpful, thank you for your insights" hiyoko said sarcastically.

"Enough" byakuya growled "this information actually does help. I happened to find a knife with tape and glowing paint stuck to it"

"Not to mention covered in blood" sonia shivered.

"But what's with the tape? Did the killer tape the knife out of sight?" Chaiki asked.

"What's the point of that? The killer wouldn't be able to see it in the dark" mahiru shook her head.

"Not with his mortal eye no but perhaps with some help from the divine gods it could be possible" gundam chuckled to himself.

"Huh?" Teruteru tilted his head.

"I think he's referring to the night vision goggles" I jumped in "they were found under the table and presumably used by the killer"

"Aha a lead!" Sonia said excitedly "in that case I vote for peko! She could have tripped the breaker and snuck in with the night vision goggles!" Gosh miss Sonia's so pretty when she gets hyped up- no focus souda! As much as it pains me I have to shoot her down.

"I'm sorry miss Sonia but that's impossible"

"Huh? How come?" She tilted her head.

"Well for one the breaker room is too high for any of us to reach never mind peko. Second nekumaru was stuck out of the bathroom all afternoon. Since everyone else was in the dining room the only one who could have been there was peko"

"It's shameful but it's true. I was facing... trouble" her face turned beat red. Is now really the time to get embarrassed!

"And lastly ibuki heard everyone's voices in the blackout. Ibuki did you hear peko in the room at any point?" I asked her.

"Hmm no ibuki doesn't recall hearing pekos voice" ibuki scratched her head.

"I suppose you're in the clear then peko" nekumaru muttered.

"I'm grateful for your help kazuichi" peko nodded.

I smiled back but one thought ran through my head. If pekos not our perp then who is?

what if nagito got the knife (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now